

A pregnant waitress struggles with abortion, life, and faith.
Single Session Bible Study


Bella's main character, José, is a wounded ex-soccer star. He plays a brooding, often dour figure throughout the film, but when he finds that Niña, a waitress in his brother's restaurant where he is head chef, is pregnant, he decides to help. Later, we discover this is part of the way he believes he can find redemption for a car accident years before, in which he killed a little girl.

The film is touching because of the bravery and courage of the characters, and shows another path for the Niñas of the world who are pregnant, alone, and with few options for the future. José demonstrates through compassion, friendship, and gentle encouragement that there are other options than abortion.

Discussion Guide

• Movie Summary

• Discussing the Scenes

Putting People Before Work
(Ecclesiastes 3:28; Matthew 9:1013; 2 Corinthians 1:27)

Character Transformation
(Romans 8:2829; Luke 22:3134)

Changing People Through Kindness
(John 4:138; 8:112)

Redemption from Past Mistakes
(Mark 10:1722; John 21:1519)

• As the Credits Roll

Based On

Bella (Roadside Attractions, 2007), rated PG-13.

Photo © Copyright Roadside Attractions

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