Remarriage & Blended Families

Remarriage & Blended Families

This six-part course helps those with blended families to gain scriptural help for their specific circumstances.
6 Session Bible Study

Few things are more difficult than trying to help a group of diverse people to get along. Throw in the fact that these people have been deeply wounded in a previous relationship, and the challenges increase. That's why we've developed this six-part course to help those with blended families to gain scriptural help for their task. This course can be done individually but will be especially effective done as a group with others who are struggling with the same issues.

Session 1

God of the Second Chance
How can we beat the odds for second marriage success?

Session 2

Forging Ahead
Patching the planks on the rickety bridge of remarriage

Session 3

Blending With Blessing
How can we create a family unit that is rife with love?

Session 4

Battleground at Home
What can we do when the family isn't blending?

Session 5

Becoming a Family
How can we avoid stepfamily traps?

Session 6

Sharing Hope and Help
How can stepfamilies get support?

Total number of pages59

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