Table Of Contents
September 7 1998, 1998
Volume 42, Number 10
September 7
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The CT archives are a rich treasure of biblical wisdom and insight from our past. Some things we would say differently today, and some stances we've changed. But overall, we're amazed at how relevant so much of this content is. We trust that you'll find it a helpful resource.
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Did the Exodus Never Happen?
How two Egyptologists are countering scholars who want to turn the Old Testament into myth.
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The Last Temptation of Moses
Ad Campaign Ignites Firestorm
Falwell Plans Biggest Sanctuary
Biblical Job Training Succeeds
Dialogue: Conversation or Competition?
Pentecostals, Roman Catholics in long-standing talks to resolve conflicts, discover some commonalities.
Germany: Sects Not So Bad After All?
Christians Aid Tidal Wave Survivors
Racing Fans Can Find Faith at Track
Congress May Merge Efforts
Martyrs Carved in Stone
Greek Orthodox: Growing Unrest
Greek Church says laity lamentations are groundless.
Anglicans: Anglicans Deem Homosexuality 'Incompatible with Scripture'
Higher Education: Keeping Students in School
Christian colleges seek to improve retention rate.
When Lies Become News
Christian journalists should be fairer than their secular counterparts.
King David Was Here
Still Surprised by Lewis
Why this nonevangelical Oxford don has become our patron saint.
The Return of the Jewish Church
In 1967, there were no Messianic Jewish congregations in the world. Today there are 350. Who are these believers?
Voucher Victory
School-choice advocates win in Wisconsin, but can the movement gain momentum?
God Is in the Blueprints
Our deepest beliefs are reflected in the ways we construct our houses of worship.
Take the Pledge
A practical strategy for loving the poor.
Divided We Stand
Many are surprised to learn that denominations were created to make peace in the church possible.
Gagging on Shiny, Happy People
Churchy types present the Christian experience as blandly perfect.
A Library in a Book
Raymond Brown provides an excellent synthesis of contemporary New Testament scholarship.
The Fox and the Writer
I felt a thrilling flashback to Eden, when the barrier of fear had not yet arisen between the species.