Table Of Contents
July 12 1999, 1999
Volume 43, Number 8
July 12
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About The Archives
The CT archives are a rich treasure of biblical wisdom and insight from our past. Some things we would say differently today, and some stances we've changed. But overall, we're amazed at how relevant so much of this content is. We trust that you'll find it a helpful resource.
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Balkanized by Music
Wiccans Practice on U.S Bases
Voucher Plan Draws Mixed Reviews
God Speaks to Commuters
Pain Relief
The Christian & Missionary Alliance apologizes to adults abused as missionary kids in Africa.
Truth-Telling on Trial
Will racial reconciliation move beyond amnesty for those who admitted their errors?
The Ministry of Safe Play
Columbus, Ohio, Christians fight community decay with a friendly recreation area and Bible studies.
Indianapolis: Graham Touts Muscular Christianity
Sports stars, Graham put grit in the gospel.
Fidelity Urged to Fight AIDS
Editorial: The Biotech Temptation
Research on human embryos holds great promise, but at what price?
The Triumph of the Praise Songs
How guitars beat out the organ in the worship wars.
The Profits of Praise
The praise and worship music industry has changed the way the church sings.
CT Classic: We Are What We Sing
Our classic hymns reveal evangelicalism at its best.
One Church, Two Faiths
Will the Episcopal Church survive the fight over homosexuality?
Integrating Mars and Venus
Gender-based ministries may be effective, but are they biblical?
Coming to a Neighborhood Near You
Refugees from around the world are knocking on our door.
Stuck on the Road to Emmaus
The secret to why we are not fulfilled.
A Cracked Code
It is not the form of the Scriptures or the sequence of its letters that conveys its truth, but rather the content of the book.
New Song, Familiar Tune
Jan Karon's latest Mitford installment changes locales to talk about living where you're at.
Karon’s Agenda
The frustrated Episcopalian is not a frustrated evangelist.
Writing the Trinity
Robert Farrar Capon rightly mocks Christians who conceive of the persons of the Trinity as players on the sidelines taking turns at substitution.