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November 2005 2005
Volume 49, Number 11
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Cover Story

Good Morning, Evangelicals!
Meet Ted Haggard the NAE's optimistic champion of ecumenical evangelism and free-market faith.
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More from this Issue

Be the Change
How Christianity Today covered a busy hurricane season before Wilma.
Painful Choice
The debate on when the unborn feel pain heats up.
A Wing and Less Prayer
New Air Force religion guidelines get mixed response.
Deaths, promotions, and other items from the religion world.
Mobs Expel 80 Christians
Growing number of evangelicals threatens liquor profits.
American Baptist Exodus
Scripture, homosexuality divide another venerable denomination.
Belfast Boils
Evangelicals condemn Protestant rioting.
Moderating Morocco
Christians combat Muslim fears, stereotypes.
Quotation Marks
Recent comments from Peter Akinola, Switchfoot, and Nationals outfielder Ryan Church.
Go Figure
Recent stats on religious and non-religious politics, Russia's abortion rate, and views on evolution.
Faith Test Okayed
University says Christian group can require beliefs, behavior of its members.
<em>Christianity Today</em> News Briefs
Saving Darfur, suing against emergency contraceptives, allowing Muslims in Sunday school, and vetoing gay marriage.
Fear Not the Disabled
We all benefit when people with disabilities are valued in our churches.
Necessary Truths
The famous Nazi hunter had it mostly right.
The Underrated Spiritual Secret
Gratefulness is not exotic or sophisticated, but it can change your life.
A Peace Plan for the Gender War
How to love your egalitarian or complementarian neighbor as yourself.
A Modest Proposal
Nine tasks egalitarians and complementarians can pursue.
In Praise of the Church Lady
God manages to use dubious characters to shape our lives.
The Problem with Evangelical Theologies
Ben Witherington III thinks there is something fundamentally weak about each branch of the movement.
A Hard Pill to Swallow
How the tiny tablet upset my soul.
Hurricane Heroes
Government may have been tripped up by Katrina and Rita, but the Southern Baptists, among others, are standing tall.
Victims and pundits grope for meaning, political and religious.
The Missionary King
How a double-M.D. couple ended up getting the royal treatment in Nigeria.
Our Missing Moral Compass
Christianity is more than an event, an experience, or a set of beliefs.
The Katrina Quandary
America questions the role of Christian charity.
Evolution, Not Revolution
Christians need to lower their Supreme Court expectations.
Exploring a Parallel Universe
Why does the word evangelical threaten so many people in our culture?