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Viral JesusEpisode 22|40min
Justin Giboney: Love and Truth in the Public Square
If our politics are always “conservative” or “progressive,” then we might be outsourcing our beliefs to someone else.
Viral JesusEpisode 21|46min
Bob Roberts Jr.: Their Religious Freedom Is Our Religious Freedom
As an evangelical trailblazer in peacemaking and cross-cultural bridge-building, Bob Roberts Jr. is challenging Christians to think bigger.
Viral JesusEpisode 20|34min
Kaitlyn Schiess: Political Engagement as Spiritual Formation
Author Kaitlyn Schiess believes how we discuss politics—especially on social media—can be an important part of Christian discipleship.
When Billy Graham Took His Ministry Transatlantic
For all that separated America and Europe in the 1950s, their experience of the crusade leader was remarkably similar.
Viral JesusEpisode 18|42min
Sadie Robertson Huff: Who Are You Following?
Reality TV star Sadie Robertson Huff on the limits of social media celebrity, the cruelty of cancel culture, and the beauty of following Jesus.
Viral JesusEpisode 17|39min
Sarah Bessey: Keeping the ‘Social’ in Social Media
When Christian writer Sarah Bessey’s Twitter account was unexpectedly erased, she rediscovered the value of her online community.
Nine Years after “Kony 2012,” Media Bias Still Controls Charitable Giving
The documentary generated huge American interest, but never solved the problem.
Why We Put Christ Above Clicks
The marketplace rewards scorn. CT has always sought a better way.
복음주의 영혼의 분열
우리가 헤어지는 이유와 다시 모일 방법
Pat Robertson Retires from The 700 Club at 91
The outspoken host and pioneering Christian broadcaster has been the face of CBN since its founding 60 years ago.
Афганский телеведущий: теперь Афганистан увидит «чистое христианство»
В то время как спутниковое телевидение при талибах стало одним из немногих способов донесения информации до местных верующих, афганский пастор с телеканала SAT-7 размышляет о влиянии вывода американских войск на благовестие в стране.
Presentador TV en darí: Afganistán ahora verá un «cristianismo puro»
Ahora que el ministerio satelital ha pasado a ser uno de los pocos medios para alcanzar a los creyentes locales bajo el régimen talibán, el pastor afgano de SAT-7 reflexiona sobre el impacto que la retirada militar de los Estados Unidos tendrá en el evangelio.
Viral JesusEpisode 8|38min
Unmuting Women’s Voices
Author and podcast host Kat Armas is amplifying the stories of women on the margins and helping the church recognize their value.
Dari TV Host: Afghanistan Will Now See ‘Pure Christianity’
As satellite ministry becomes one of the few ways under the Taliban to reach local believers, SAT-7 Afghan pastor reflects on the gospel impact of the US military withdrawal.
Daniel Darling Fired from NRB After Pro-Vaccine Remarks
The ministry’s former spokesman had appeared in national media explaining why he as a Christian trusts the COVID-19 vaccine.
Viral JesusEpisode 6|38min
‘The Work Is the Platform’
Karen Swallow Prior urges Christian writers to focus on doing good work, not attracting more followers.
Our September Issue: Hope Beyond the Headlines
In Afghanistan as elsewhere, there is more than meets the media’s eye.
The Brand
The internet and new gospel partnerships fueled church growth in the early 2000s, but bigger isn’t always better.
L’éclatement de l'âme évangélique
Pourquoi nous divisons-nous, et comment nous retrouver ?
Viral JesusEpisode 2|33min
A Billion Views of Hope
Kristina Kuzmic, ‘the mother of all mom bloggers,’ lifts others up by being hilariously transparent about her own imperfections.

Top Story April 16, 2024

More Pastors Are Leaving Ministry Over Church Conflict
More Pastors Are Leaving Ministry Over Church Conflict
But experts say it can offer opportunities for leaders and congregations to grow.

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