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Boarding School Alumni Push for a New Kind of Abuse Investigation
Uncovering decades of allegations out of the Christian Academy of Japan, investigators tried new tactics to facilitate repentance and healing.
Degree by Digital Degree, Christian Colleges Go Online
Evangelical schools are growing, but there are questions about the costs.
I Was the Mole in a Family of Mallets
How God rescued me from a life of getting whacked.
Nous tremblons face au sacrifice d’Isaac. Mais nous avons nos propres autels.
Voir le patriarche lever son couteau pour mettre à mort son propre fils nous fait frémir aujourd’hui. Les sacrifices d’enfant sont-ils pour autant du passé ?
6 Ways to Parent Your Kids for the New Creation
As Christian caretakers, we view our kids’ schooling in light of eternity.
The Struggles of Men Are a Problem for Everyone
From school and work to fatherhood and friendship, we need a vision of manhood that both sexes can celebrate.
Les enseignants ne devraient pas être inquiets à propos de l’IA
Les applications d’intelligence artificielle comme ChatGPT nous ramènent à la nature holistique de l’éducation.
We Shudder at Abraham Sacrificing Isaac. But We Have Our Own Altars.
We may flinch at seeing the revered patriarch nearly end his own son’s life. But what do we miss when viewing this story through contemporary eyes?
¿En qué altar estamos sacrificando a nuestros hijos?
Sin darnos cuenta, tal vez estamos ofreciendo a nuestros hijos ante ídolos modernos.
Federal Judge Tosses Challenge to Christian College Exemptions
In the ongoing tension between religious liberty and LGBT rights, the Department of Education and CCCU win one victory.
The Image of God in ‘Invisible Man’
Ralph Ellison’s novel depicts the quest for personal dignity in a society determined to deny it.
Why Educators Shouldn’t Be Worried About AI
AI Apps like ChatGPT are a wake-up call to redefine the holistic nature of education.
Christian Schools Building ‘Consortium’ for Hispanic Theology Education
With $5 million from Lilly Endowment, three Los Angeles institutions “got ambitious.”
What Is a Missionary Kid Worth?
Risks remain higher in cross-cultural contexts. And misconduct is harder to report.
The Outsized Role of Christian Schools in Arab Israeli Politics
Established in the Ottoman era, Western-birthed educational institutions continue to play a leading role in shaping the public discourse of Israel’s Palestinian citizens.
A New Solution to Gun Violence: Neighborly Care
What if we applied Christian imagination to protecting our children?

Top Story April 16, 2024

Died: Beverly LaHaye, Pastor’s Wife Who Led Religious Right
Died: Beverly LaHaye, Pastor’s Wife Who Led Religious Right
The founder of Concerned Women for America was credited by President Ronald Reagan with “changing the face of American politics.”

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