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God Shook My World at an EDM Concert
I was rolling on Ecstasy when the scales suddenly fell from my eyes.
David Foster Wallace Broke My Heart
Ten years after his suicide, I marvel at his genius but mourn the crushing burdens he carried.
I Thought God Could Never Love a Convicted Murderer. I Was Wrong.
How I found eternal life on death row.
How Can So Many Pastors Be Godly and Dysfunctional at the Same Time?
Illuminating the blind spots in most approaches to spiritual formation.
Sexual Addiction Destroyed My Pastorate
Exposing the truth was just the first step to redemption.
How Churches Can Partner with Outside Counselors
It’s about supplementing, not replacing, pastoral care.
Hope for America’s Opioid Epidemic Is Grace in a Syringe
Why addiction ministry can include fellowship, the gospel and Narcan.
Open Your Home to the Homeless, Even When It Makes You Uncomfortable
Welcoming the stranger carries real risks. But hospitality is a New Testament expectation.
I Went From Fighting in a Cage to Living in a Hut
How an MMA fighter found Jesus—and discovered his calling in the Congo.
Realizing My Addiction Had Chosen Me Began My Road to Recovery
Framing addiction as a chronic disease gives a broader framework for understanding.
The Best-Dressed Drug Dealers
Pharmaceutical companies may be to blame for the current opioid crisis.
Is Addiction a Disease? Yes, and Much More
Four core aspects of recovery that are essential for addressing addiction.
How Celebrate Recovery Helped Evangelicals Open Up About Addiction
Over 25 years, the program has made churches a safer space for recovery.
I Was Addicted to Romance Novels
Then God asked me to start writing them, for his glory.
Pastors in Recovery
Admitting an addiction has its risks ... and real ministry benefits.
What Tommy Taught Me
Our church’s walk with a homeless man marked us indelibly.
The Spiritual Roots of Addiction
Seth Haines talks about his battle with alcoholism and how leaders can help addicts find freedom.
The Spirituality of Slowing Down and Shutting Up
How do you connect with God in a society of perpetual noise and busyness?
Sacrificing the Body
Too many pastors are neglecting their physical health—and it's killing them.
The Church that Drinks Together
In our town, refusing to drink alcohol may be a bigger stumbling block than serving it.

Top Story April 24, 2024

Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
After lobbying from fellow Southern Baptists and Christians affected by the war, the House speaker moves a package forward.

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