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Marriage in Obsolescence
Why recent headlines on marriage don't do the new Pew survey justice.
Q&A: Deanna Favre
The wife of NFL quarterback Brett Favre speaks about her faith amid suffering.
Adultery: My Genes Made Me Do It
Adultery: My Genes Made Me Do It
Research like the kind in 'For Better: The Science of a Good Marriage' runs the risk of reducing people to brain chemistry and DNA.
Same Sex, Different Marriage
Many of those who want marriage equality do not want fidelity.
Toying with Adultery?
'Runaway mom' Tiffany Tehan's story reminds us that no one is immune from the temptation of infidelity.
Adultery and Grace
Iris Robinson, Jesus Loves You More Than You Will Know
Speaking grace and truth into Ireland's sex scandal involving a born-again Christian woman.
Jenny Sanford Offers Forgiveness After Husband's Affair
In her first post-affair interview, Mark Sanford's wife tells 'Vogue' about learning of her husband's infidelity—and offering forgiveness.
Accountability Breakdown
D.C. adultery scandals shed light on Christian support in the capital.
Stand By Your Unfaithful Politician Husband?
Christian politicians Mark Sanford and John Ensign recently confessed to having affairs, but their wives were absent from the press conferences.
The Gospel and the Gosselins
Evangelicals and the making of Jon & Kate Plus Eight.
I Had an Affair
My husband wasn't making me happy. So why not look elsewhere for intimacy?
What God Has Joined
What does the Bible really teach about divorce?
Are All Sins Created Equal?
Devastated by an Affair
How churches heal after the pastor commits adultery.
The Prophet Pleads Guilty
The fiery reformer was keenly aware of his own shortcomings.
The First Scandal
How church discipline was handled in Reformed Scotland.

Top Story April 16, 2024

Died: Beverly LaHaye, Pastor’s Wife Who Led Religious Right
Died: Beverly LaHaye, Pastor’s Wife Who Led Religious Right
The founder of Concerned Women for America was credited by President Ronald Reagan with “changing the face of American politics.”

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