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Wrestling With Relics
John Calvin
Father of the Reformed faith
"The Bible Alone"? Not for John Calvin!
When we seek answers to churchly and societal issues in the Bible alone, citing the Reformation principle of sola scriptura,we are actually contradicting the Reformers.
Young, Restless, Reformed
Calvinism is making a comeback—and shaking up the church.
It's All About God
A brief summary of Calvinism.
Calvin's Battle for Marriage
Studying Geneva's sexual reformation has lessons for today.
The Bible Alone? Not for John Calvin!
When we seek answers to churchly and societal issues in the Bible alone, citing the Reformation principle of sola scriptura, we are actually contradicting the Reformers.
The African Apostles: Did You Know?
The rapidity of Africa's twentieth-century baptism was stunning. There's no better place to see the future of the global church.
Jonathan Edwards: A Gallery - The Mind Shapers
Edwards modeled himself as theologian, philosopher, and pastor after outstanding figures in each field.
Did the Reformers Reject Copernicus?
Some defenders of secular science say they did. What's the real story?
Battle For the Past
As traditions clashed during the Reformation, history became hotly disputed territory.
Order in the Church
Reforming doctrine was just the beginning of a vigorous campaign to restructure Christian life—at church, at home, and in each believer's heart.
Pleading the Cause of Christ
In the Prefatory Address to his Institutes, John Calvin defends both his doctrine and its battered believers.
Getting Serious About Sin
No misdeed went unpunished in Calvin's Geneva.
Forgotten Reformer
As obscure now as his tiny native village, Pierre Viret once captured the hearts of the Huguenots.
Survey Results: What Do You Think?
How our scholars and general readers voted in the Most Influential Christians of the Century survey.
Reformation Amillennialism: Salvation Now, Salvation Forever
Luther and Calvin challenged the Catholic church on many key teachings—but not on the doctrine of last things.

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Died: Mandisa, ‘Overcomer’ Singer and American Idol Star
Died: Mandisa, ‘Overcomer’ Singer and American Idol Star
The Grammy-winning artist was found dead at her home in Nashville at age 47.

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