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Conservation Group Tries One More Thing to Preserve an African Woodland: Prayer
A Rocha Kenya cites WhatsApp intercession group as key to saving habitat for owls, shrews, and other endangered creatures.
Dieu utilise les changements climatiques pour transformer les sociétés
Dans la Bible comme dans l’histoire, les crises qui affectent la Création peuvent déboucher sur des réformes salvatrices.
How Do We “Make Disciples” for Creation Care?
Atlanta pastor and mobilizer Marqus Cole on bringing more Christians into the environmental movement
UK Christians Walk 750 Miles to Urge Action on Climate Change
Headed to UN meeting in Glasgow, creation care advocates talk about what churches can do and what they are doing.
Jesus Loves the Brown Pop-Eyed Atewa Slippery Frog
In Ghana, the church is at the center of a bold new conservation effort.
Tom Brown, un héros ?
En détruisant la création de Dieu, nous nous privons de son appel à l’adoration.
Por que a destruição ambiental prejudica a adoração
Quando destruímos a criação de Deus, não mais conseguimos ouvir seu chamado à reverência.
Evangelicals Endorse Unprecedented Ecumenical Plea for the Environment
Ahead of a UN climate summit, Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican leaders jointly promote a “Season of Creation.”
God Uses Changing Climates to Change Societies
In the Bible and in history, crises in creation can lead to reformation.
Why Environmental Destruction Is Bad for Worship
When we destroy God’s creation, we can no longer hear its call to awe.
No guarde la vajilla durante la pandemia
Incluso en grupos pequeños, cuando practicamos la hospitalidad, anunciamos la venida del reino de Dios.
Don’t Pack Away the Dinnerware During COVID-19
Even in our small circles, when we practice hospitality, we foreshadow God’s coming kingdom.
Creation Care Movement Takes Action with Solar Panels and Petitions
Evangelicals concerned for the environment make strides toward change.
Why We Get Up in the Morning Shouldn’t Differ from Sunday to Monday
Steven Garber envisions lives marked by greater coherence between our deepest commitments and our everyday cares.
Mars Mission: Filling the Earth and Beyond
Our cosmic calling and the creatures we take with us.
How God’s Glory Shines in Our Connectedness to Nature
When considering the birds, we find God’s care and discover our calling.

Top Story April 19, 2024

Biblical Literacy in a Postliterate Age
Biblical Literacy in a Postliterate Age
We must always be people of the Word, but we’ll have to reimagine deep engagement with Scripture.

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