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True Doctrine Doesn’t Wait
Without good theology, you can’t have Christlike love and compassion.
The Unfortunate Pedigree of the Missional Church
Why we need to rethink the church.
The Age of Pelagius
An ancient heresy continues to affect our culture in surprising ways.
Our Churches Are Either Sacramental or Charismatic
The Early Church didn't make a distinction. So why do we?
Ten Theses on Creation and Evolution That (Most) Evangelicals Can Support
We won’t achieve perfect unanimity on every contested topic.
A New Guild Aims to Equip Women and Amplify Orthodoxy
An interview with Pelican Project members Karen Swallow Prior, Kristie Anyabwile, and Tish Harrison Warren.
5 Terms Christians Need To Stop Misusing
The way we’ve been using these terms causes confusion for newcomers, nonbelievers and even for long-time Christians.
Christian, What Do You Believe? Probably a Heresy About Jesus, Says Survey
Third study of the state of American theology, examining 34 beliefs, released by Ligonier Ministries and LifeWay Research.
Want To Go Deeper And Wider? Underline New Stuff
I can’t gain new understanding of anything – even of the ideas I already agree with – if all I do is keep reinforcing old facts.
Fleming Rutledge: Why Being ‘Spiritual’ Is Never Enough
Americans increasingly identify as “spiritual but not religious.” Radical faith goes beyond both.
Turkey’s Churches, Famous for Historic Schism, Finally Agree on Doctrine
Joint book project by Orthodox, Catholics, and Protestants follows efforts to present accurate information about Christianity in Muslim-majority country.
It Doesn’t Get Any More Personal
Why evangelicals give pride of place to penal substitutionary understandings of the Cross.
What’s a Christian to Do with Statements and Confessions?
Public pressure to sign or abstain from them undermines their greatest value.
How to Love Your Ideological Enemy
If hospitality is a model for discipleship, then we need both open doors and clear boundaries.
Who’s In Charge of the Christian Blogosphere?
The age of the internet has birthed a crisis of authority, especially for women.
Why Being a Woman in Seminary Is Worth the Work
It's not always easy to get there, but the blogosphere needs more of us.
The Grace of Church Discipline
We do no one any favors if we ignore or downplay core beliefs.
Ten Reasons Why Theology Matters
Most Christians agree theology is important, but can't articulate why. These reasons can help.
Evangelicals' Favorite Heresies Revisited by Researchers
Second study examines what Americans believe about 47 theological statements.
The World Is Yearning for Beautiful Orthodoxy
Goodness, truth, and beauty all come from the same Person.

Top Story April 18, 2024

Finding an Uncontainable God Within Finite Poetic Spaces
Finding an Uncontainable God Within Finite Poetic Spaces
Eastern Orthodox poet Scott Cairns reflects on his new collection, his journey of faith, and poetry’s capacity to apprehend inexhaustible realities.

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