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The Faith and Work Movement Is Leaving Blue-Collar Workers Behind
Can it speak to evangelicals outside high-status professions?
Думки американських євангельських християн щодо України розділилися
Кандидати від Республіканської партії пропонують потенційним виборцям взаємовиключні аргументи.
Мнения американских евангельских христиан по Украине разделились
Кандидаты от Республиканской партии предлагают потенциальным избирателям взаимоисключающие доводы.
Les évangéliques américains se divisent sur l’Ukraine
Les candidats républicains à la présidence présentent des arguments contradictoires à leurs potentiels électeurs.
L’étonnante persistance culturelle du dispensationalisme
En tant qu’école théologique, cette approche est en déclin. En tant que force culturelle et politique, elle est plus influente que jamais.
American Evangelicals Divide over Ukraine
Republican candidates make competing arguments to potential voters.
Why I’m a ‘Bible Thumping Fundamentalist’
If the label means I hold to essential gospel beliefs, I’ll wear it proudly.
Mystics, Monastics, and the Moderns Who Need Them
Medieval Christianity holds up a helpful mirror to the contemporary church.
Viral JesusEpisode 88|47min
Karen Swallow Prior: Christian Culture in Crisis
Are weak and impaired imaginations at the heart of the evangelical movement’s identity problems?
평판 재고가 필요했던 미국 복음주의자들은 한국 복음주의자들에게 시선을 돌렸다.
20세기 후반, 두 그룹은 서로를 국내외에서 정통성을 확보하기 위한 수단으로 활용했다.
Des chrétiens cherchent à étendre les visites en Terre sainte aux « pierres vivantes ».
Les croyants arabes veulent que les visiteurs chrétiens rencontrent leurs frères et sœurs en Israël.
A Virtuous Pagan’s (Accidental) Guide to Building a Healthier Evangelicalism
Fredrik deBoer’s indictment of his fellow progressives is surprisingly relevant to a very different movement.
Os evangélicos precisam de uma teologia renovada para a igreja
O grande movimento de desigrejados é uma oportunidade para a nossa tradição redescobrir uma eclesiologia mais resiliente.
New Yorkers Watch as Their Only Evangelical Colleges Close
The abrupt departure of Alliance University and The King’s College leaves a hole in an influential city.
Christians Seek to Expand Holy Land Tours to Include Christians
Arab believers want American visitors to see the “living stones” in Israel.
When American Evangelicals Needed a Reputational Boost, They Turned to South Korean Evangelicals
In the second half of the 20th century, each group used the other as a ticket to legitimacy at home and abroad.
Los evangélicos necesitan una teología renovada de la Iglesia
La salida masiva de la Iglesia brinda una oportunidad para que nuestra tradición redescubra una eclesiología más duradera.

Top Story April 25, 2024

If This Ain’t Country, Expand Your Canon
If This Ain’t Country, Expand Your Canon
Beyoncé’s right. Whether listening to Cowboy Carter or reading theology, diversity is a good thing.

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