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The Evolution of the Debate: Divided on Origins
We haven't always been this way.
A Tale of Two Scientists: What Really Happened 'In the Beginning'
How two evangelicals—one a young-earth creationist, the other an evolutionary creationist—have lived out their faith and professions.
Evangelical Evolutionists Meet in New York
N. T. Wright, Tim Keller, John Ortberg among Biologos conference attendees.
Q & A: Alvin Plantinga on Conflict Resolution with Science
The philosophy professor seeks to disentangle sound science from naturalistic dogma.
No Adam, No Eve, No Gospel
The historical Adam debate won't be resolved tomorrow, so stay engaged.
Adam, Where Are You?
It's time for a difficult, grace-filled family meeting.
The Search for the Historical Adam
The center of the evolution debate has shifted from asking whether we came from earlier animals to whether we could have come from one man and one woman.
Peter Singer's Swan Song
Bioethicist asks: 'Why don't we make ourselves the last generation on earth?'
Adamant on Adam
Resignation of prominent scholar Bruce Waltke underscores tension over evolution.
The Secret (Moral) Life of Babies
Does the fact that infants seem to have an innate morality suggest divine intervention?
Us With God: Part One
Boycotting Bloggingheads
Reaction to an Intelligent Design debate shows limit to public discussion.
Snakes, Spiders, and the Science of Gender
Why do women tend to be more afraid of creepy crawlies than men?
Human Uniqueness?
Augustine's Origin of Species
How the great theologian might weigh in on the Darwin debate.
Darwin Divides
Christian college professors split on Texas science standards.
The Evolution of Darwin
The scientist's problem with God did not spring from his theory.
Reading, Writing, and Rulings
Courts: Good news for homeschoolers, bad news for Christian schools.

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Eco-anxiety Is Crippling Gen Z. How Can We Move Forward?
Eco-anxiety Is Crippling Gen Z. How Can We Move Forward?
Christians can disciple each other toward action, prayer, and hope.

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