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The Bible Gives Investors Like Me a New Perspective on Risk
If we believe all that God promises, we won’t always opt for playing it safe.
Is God a Woman or a Man?
Two recent books discuss how our conception of gender relates to our perception of God.
En la batalla, Dios vence con lo que el mundo menos espera
Por qué Dios manda a su pueblo a la guerra con herramientas de la vida diaria.
La ciencia del agradecimiento
Un creciente número de investigaciones respalda los beneficios de dar gracias a Dios tanto en los buenos como en los malos tiempos.
The Science of Giving Thanks to God
A growing body of research backs the benefits of divine gratefulness, in good times and bad.
Cambodian Spies Were Watching Me. So Was Someone Else.
After escaping the Khmer Rouge with my siblings, I learned who had been protecting me all along.
‘I Will Grieve but not Grumble, Mourn but not Murmur, Weep but not Whine’
What Tim Challies resolved in the wake of his son’s sudden death.
Loving God Means More Than Knowing about Him, but Not Less
Our hearts and souls can’t fulfill the Great Commandment without our minds.
Ninguna doctrina de la Trinidad es una isla
Una nueva introducción resalta cómo los profundos misterios del Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo no pueden comprenderse de forma aislada.
Where Ya From?Episode 36
‘God Is a Poet’ with Carvens Lissaint
How facing devastating mountains in life bring an awareness of God and strengthened faith.
“二两粮” 及其他东亚教会的异端思想
“二兩糧” 及其他東亞教會的異端思想
No Doctrine of the Trinity Is an Island
As a new introduction emphasizes, the deep mysteries of Father, Son, and Spirit can’t be grasped in isolation.
Faith and Doubt Aren’t Black and White
Travis Dickinson shows believers how to question their beliefs without discarding them.
Come On, Let Us Adore Him
Too many of our prayers rush past praise.
I Was an 18-Year-Old Addict Carrying a Drug Dealer’s Baby
Abortion seemed like the obvious answer—until I met the Lord of life.
There Is No One Fully Optimized, Not Even One
How a “low anthropology” pushes back on perfectionistic assumptions about human nature.

Top Story April 19, 2024

Died: Mandisa, ‘Overcomer’ Singer and American Idol Star
Died: Mandisa, ‘Overcomer’ Singer and American Idol Star
The Grammy-winning artist was found dead at her home in Nashville at age 47.

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