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As dificuldades que os homens enfrentam são problemas de todos
Desde estudos e trabalho a paternidade e amizades, precisamos de uma visão de masculinidade que ambos os sexos possam aplaudir.
Former SBC Pastor Johnny Hunt Sues Denomination He Once Led
Hunt admits to “kissing and some awkward fondling” but alleges defamation after the account was reported in last year’s Guidepost abuse investigation.
Can Westerners Atone for Their Sins Without Breeding Resentment and Ingratitude?
An imaginary soirée with Douglas Murray, the Christian-friendly agnostic author of "The War on the West".
Cuando aún éramos criminales, Cristo murió por nosotros
El pecado y el crimen no son diferentes a los ojos de Dios. ¿Por qué perdonamos uno y el otro no?
The Struggles of Men Are a Problem for Everyone
From school and work to fatherhood and friendship, we need a vision of manhood that both sexes can celebrate.
Should Christians Support Making Birth Free?
In the wake of Roe’s 50th anniversary, four believing experts discuss the merits and challenges of the Make Birth Free proposal.
While We Were Still Criminals, Christ Died for Us
Sin and crime are no different in God’s eyes—so why do we forgive one and not the other?
Haruskah Umat Kristen Indonesia Mendukung KUHP yang Baru?
Para pemimpin lokal memberikan pendapatnya tentang Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP) baru di negara dengan mayoritas penduduk Muslim ini dan tentang apakah pemerintah perlu mengundangkan moralitas.
Naming Names in the Abortion Debate
As a new “street-level” history demonstrates, you can’t tell the bigger story without telling a series of smaller, more personal stories.
A Tale of Two Books, One Podcast, and the Contest over Christian Nationalism
Answering Stephen Wolfe’s arguments for blood, soil, and sedition.
Should Christians Support Indonesia Criminalizing Cohabitation and Extramarital Sex?
Local leaders weigh in on the Muslim-majority nation’s new penal code and whether governments should legislate morality.
Gordon College Settles with Professor It Said Was a Minister
State judge says the school’s legal strategy was a mistake.
Evangelical Activists Push for Solitary Confinement Reform
As Virginia legislators study the issue, faith groups point to evidence isolation is unfair and ineffective.
Смертний гріх недбалості
Біблія послідовно засуджує недотримання процедур, якщо від цього страждають інші люди. А такі випадки повсюдні.
Небрежность это смертный грех
Библия последовательно осуждает несоблюдение процедур, от которого страдают другие люди. А такие случаи повсеместны.
They’re Not Religious. But They Oppose Abortion.
“Nones” take a more prominent place in the pro-life movement.
Everything You Need to Know About the Respect for Marriage Act
The law recently advanced by the US Senate doesn’t deny religious liberty to those who support traditional unions.
Новий законопроект, внесений на розгляд парламенту Білорусі, перешкоджає християнам звертатися до ООН
П'ятидесятників переслідують за вивчення Біблії, хрещення й богослужіння на відкритому повітрі на тлі зростаючих «репресій проти громадянського суспільства».
Новый законопроект, внесенный на рассмотрение парламента Беларуси, препятствует христианам обращаться в ООН
Пятидесятников преследуют за изучение Библии, крещение и богослужения на открытом воздухе на фоне усиливающихся «репрессий против гражданского общества».

Top Story April 24, 2024

Hold Your Clapbacks
Hold Your Clapbacks
C.S. Lewis recommended discernment over diatribes in exactly the moments we’re most eager to indulge in critique.

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