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O que a solteirice revela sobre o mundo vindouro
Cristãos solteiros podem viver como sinais da nova criação.
What Singleness Reveals about the World to Come
Unmarried Christians can live as signposts of the new creation.
Love, Joy, and Peace Are a Package Deal
Don’t ignore their ordering in Paul’s passage on the fruit of the Spirit.
I Wanted to Die for Allah. Now I Live for Jesus.
As a militant Muslim, I never expected to have any dealings with Christians, much less to befriend them.
Who Do You Say He Is?
In her follow-up to “Confronting Christianity,” Rebecca McLaughlin helps us discover (or rediscover) all that Jesus is and does.
Loving God Means More Than Knowing about Him, but Not Less
Our hearts and souls can’t fulfill the Great Commandment without our minds.
Where Ya From?Episode 31
Seeing Myself Through God’s Eyes with Kechi Okwuchi
Kechi Okwuchi shares her story of the plane crash that changed her life and how she learned to rely on God’s unchanging love for her.
Aprendamos a amar a nuestro prójimo con todo y sus miedos
No todos sentimos los mismos miedos, pero la sabiduría de las Escrituras es la misma para todos.
Vamos falar sobre raça como filhos de Deus, e não como construtores de Babel
Em Cristo, podemos lidar até mesmo com as conversas mais difíceis sem desrespeitar o outro.
Let’s Talk About Race like Believers, Not Babel-ers
In Christ, we can handle even the toughest conversations without speaking past one another.
Aprendendo a amar os medos do nosso próximo
Não temos todos os mesmos medos. Mas a sabedoria das Escrituras pode ser aplicada a todos nós.
St. Benedict’s Rule to Cultivate Love: “Let the Members Serve One Another”
There’s no place to reflect on service like a bathroom being cleaned.
Cristãos solteiros precisam de uma melhor teologia da solteirice ou melhor preparação para relacionamentos?
Como demonstram dois livros recentes, a resposta é: precisamos das duas coisas, juntas (e não apenas para os solteiros.)
Learning to Love Our Neighbor’s Fears
We aren’t all equally afraid of the same things. But Scripture’s wisdom can apply to all of us.
Do Single Christians Need a Better Theology of Singleness, or Better Relationship Training?
As two recent books demonstrate, the answer is both—together. (And not only for singles.)
Consider the Least of These: Sternberg’s Three Principles of Love and COVID-19
Making a neighbor out of a stranger requires an intimacy that is impossible without Christ-like passion.

Top Story April 25, 2024

Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
After lobbying from fellow Southern Baptists and Christians affected by the war, the House speaker moves a package forward.

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