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Mike Bickle confessa ter cometido “falhas morais” no passado, mas nega acusações de abuso sexual
O fundador da Casa Internacional de Oração se pronuncia pela primeira vez; ao mesmo tempo, o ministério promove uma investigação independente.
Mike Bickle reconnaît des « défaillances morales » passées, mais pas d’agression sexuelle.
Le fondateur de la Maison internationale de prière s’exprime pour la première fois alors que le ministère a commissionné une enquête externe.
Mike Bickle Confesses to Past ‘Moral Failures’ But Not Sexual Abuse
The International House of Prayer founder speaks out for the first time as the ministry launches a third-party inquiry.
Caso Mike Bickle destaca desafios ligados à prevenção e à exposição de abusos sexuais
O escândalo revela problemas na abordagem das igrejas brasileiras à questão.
Mike Bickle Shifts Brazil’s Conversation Around Church Abuse
In a country where allegations rarely go public, charismatics are grappling with the claims against the influential IHOPKC founder and with his movement’s response.
Viral JesusEpisode 99|9min
Barefooted Faith
A word of hope for Christians who feel that their prayers are not getting through.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 82|58min
N.T. Wright on the Bible’s Most Misunderstood Verse
The author and theologian dives deep into the heart of Romans.
Keep Complaining to God. Just Don’t Ignore Him.
Even our angriest accusations are preferable to indifference.
Viral JesusEpisode 97|9min
From Petition to Praise
What happens to our worship when we start with gratitude?
Nepal Earthquake Destroys Rural Churches, with Believers Pleading for Immediate Relief
More than 300 Christian families have been affected, says a local pastor.
Основателя Международного дома молитвы Майка Бикла обвиняют в сексуальных злоупотреблениях
Бывшие лидеры МДМКС выступили от имени нескольких женщин с достоверными, по их словам, обвинениями, накопившимися за последние несколько десятков лет.
Засновника Міжнародного дому молитви Майка Бікла звинувачують у сексуальних зловживаннях
Колишні лідери МДМКС виступили від імені кількох жінок із достовірними, за їхніми словами, звинуваченнями, які накопичилися за останні кілька десятків років.
Mike Bickle, fundador da Casa Internacional de Oração (IHOP), é acusado de abuso sexual
Ex-líderes da IHOP apresentam o que consideram ser alegações críveis feitas por várias mulheres, ao longo de décadas de ministério.
Viral JesusEpisode 91|7min
Let Us Pray Anyway
Although the response is sometimes delayed or denied, our prayers always matter.
International House of Prayer Founder Mike Bickle Accused of Sexual Abuse
Former IHOPKC leaders bring forward what they say are credible allegations from several women over decades of ministry.
Fly Me to the Moon: Praying for Peace this Mid-Autumn Festival
A former NASA R&D director contemplates how faith in God has shaped lunar explorations.
追悼:サラ・ヤング氏 霊想書『わたしは決してあなたをひとりにしない』の著者
Décès de Sarah Young, autrice de « Un moment avec Jésus »
Les « prières d’écoute » de cette épouse de missionnaire ont réconforté et inspiré des millions de personnes.

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