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I Cremated My Unborn Son
How caring for miscarried children offers a radically pro-life vision.
My Son’s Suffering Helped Me Understand God’s Suffering
The birth of my child transformed my view of the “problem of pain” and divine foreknowledge.
California Can’t Force Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers to Promote Abortion
Clinics’ free speech rights trump an “unduly burdensome” state disclosure requirement.
Community Home Offers ‘Boot Camp’ for Pregnant Moms
How a residential program in Virginia goes beyond crisis pregnancy aid.
Free Speech and Abortion Collide: Supreme Court Hears One of Its Biggest Cases of 2018
Pregnancy clinics are a crucial force in the pro-life movement, and the center of the argument before the justices today.
America’s Surrogacy Bump: Is Fertility a Blessing to Be Shared?
Pro-life carriers and Christian bioethicists navigate the patchy landscape for assisted reproduction.
Our March Issue: The Gospel for ‘Every Area of Life’
We still believe that the basic solution to the world’s crises—and our own—is theological.
We Lost Our Baby, but We Didn't Want to Lose Our Marriage
Men and women tend to grieve differently; understanding those differences helped us make it through.
Supreme Court Will Decide If California Pregnancy Centers Must Promote Abortion
Debate over free speech rights of pro-life clinics will finally get resolved.
Miscarriage Changed Me
How trauma and loss deepened my understanding of God’s love.
Let the Pregnant Grads Walk
How we treat pregnant teens reveals more about us than them.
How to Counter the Economic Argument for Abortion
To provide a persuasive alternative, the church must offer holistic, long-term support.
When ‘You’re Pregnant’ Feels Like Bad News
How can the church help those who are grieving motherhood?
The Micro-Premie Dilemma
Does NICU technology change our pro-life obligations?
Ultrasounds Help Bridge Evangelical and Catholic Theology
Pregnancy centers find common ground in the pro-life cause.
The Messy Drama and Trauma of New Life
Birth and baptism come at a painful cost.
Pregnant and on Mission in Zika Territory: Should I Stay or Should I Go?
The outbreak hit Honduras during the third trimester of my long-awaited pregnancy.
How Pro-Life Activism Became Personal Again
After years of being ‘too busy’ to help, I found myself getting involved once more.
God Has a Surprise for You
Like Mary, we find ourselves receiving God’s good and difficult gifts.
How 1,000 Women Who Aborted Feel About the Local Church
Survey: Two in three evangelicals were attending monthly or more at the time of their first abortion.

Top Story April 18, 2024

In Secular UK, Evangelical Alliance Experiences Record Growth
In Secular UK, Evangelical Alliance Experiences Record Growth
Leader explains why the movement is seeing its biggest membership bump in 30 years and its mission for the years ahead.

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