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I Grew Up in a Ministry Family—and I Hated It
But as I poured out my anger on the world, Jesus was waiting to pour out his perfect love.
3 Ways I’m Nurturing My Emotional Intelligence
A heart moved by the gospel will be stirred with empathy for others.
How Cancer Shattered My Illusion of Control
I acted like I was master of my fate. I was a mist.
Personal Branding, Platform, and Pride-Management
Promoting the message of Christ―rather than ourselves.
People Aren't Projects
...and other lessons I learned as a rural pastor.
When This Pastor Got Political
I thought a town hall meeting would be the perfect venue to fight for justice. I was oh-so-wrong.
Leave Me Alone So I Can Do Ministry!
When productivity replaces hospitality, we miss the point of pastoring.
We Were Seduced by Power
Five pastors confess their temptations to manipulate, control, and cling to worldly significance.
Did 2016 Expose America's (And the Church's) Fame Addiction?
The church should be providing a counter-cultural balance to our fame obsession. Instead, we're feeding into it.
Why God Gives Us Weakness
How I’ve come to identify with Gideon the wimp.
Quick To ListenEpisode 6|31min
After Darrin Patrick: How Pride Became an Occupational Hazard for Pastors
Barnabas Piper on Acts 29, restoration, and the increasing temptation of pride and platform.
11 Reasons to Stop Saying 'What No One Else Has the Guts to Say'
Outrage blogs may be popular, but they're seldom helpful, true or redemptive. And they're never as unique as they claim.
The Lonely Small Church Pastor: Breaking the Cycle
The smaller the church, the more likely the pastor is doing most ministry alone. But there is hope.
Pastor Seeking Fame
Are you willing to do God’s work—even if there’s no red carpet?
J. I. Packer: How I Learned to Live Joyfully
A wizened sage named Ecclesiastes tamed my youthful cynicism.
God Doesn’t Need You to Go Viral
Christian vloggers walk a fine line between sharing Christ and selling themselves.
9 No-Fault, No-Excuse Reasons Many Healthy Churches Stay Small
There's no reason to believe that a healthy small church is making more mistakes than a healthy big church.
Forget the 200 Barrier - Small Churches Need to Break the Grasshopper Barrier
The only problem with smallness is when we think being small is a problem
Megachurches are Not Normal - And That's OK
Small Churches are the norm. Megachurches are the exception. Neither is better. Both are needed.
When Church Growth Numbers Blind Us to Deeper Truths
Increasing numbers can cause us to make two equal, but opposite mistakes about church growth and health.

Top Story April 18, 2024

For the Warming of the Earth: Worshiping in the Age of Creation Care
For the Warming of the Earth: Worshiping in the Age of Creation Care
Christian artists work at the intersection of music and climate change.

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