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The Absence of Injustice Is Not Justice
Acting affirmatively on the side of racial justice affirms the truth of the gospel.
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흑인 예언자 목소리의 근원
아프리카계 미국인 교회에서 출애굽기가 갖는 중요성
The Perils of White American Folk Religion
Many Christians unwittingly practice a counter-faith that doesn't know how to deal with racism.
Realmente amamos a lei de Deus?
O Antigo Testamento não contradiz a ética do Novo Testamento. Ele a esclarece.
American History Is Not Canceled
While Christians can’t erase the church’s slaveholding past, we can change the symbols, statues, and namesakes we celebrate.
Juneteenth Was an Answer to Centuries of Prayer
African Americans asked the Lord for liberation for years. They still do.
Juneteenth: A Truer Independence Day
The official end of slavery in America more fully embraces the self-evident truth of all people as created equal.
Uma justiça bastante demorada
É hora de a igreja se redimir do pecado racial.
너무 오래 지연된 정의
교회가 인종차별의 죄에 대해 보상할 때입니다.
La justice a trop attendu
Il est temps que l’Église répare le péché racial.
Keadilan Sudah Terlalu Lama Tertunda
Sudah waktunya bagi gereja untuk memberikan ganti rugi atas dosa rasial.
Jesus and the Disinherited
Howard Thurman still speaks to the church.
J. D. Greear Urges SBC to Retire Historic Gavel from Slaveholding Preacher
A day after his “black lives matter” address, the Southern Baptist president suggests replacing a 150-year-old relic.
Justice Too Long Delayed
It’s time for the church to make restitution for racial sin.
Do We Really Love God’s Law?
The Old Testament doesn't contradict New Testament ethics. It clarifies them.
Set Free by the Cross, Why Do We Live in Bondage?
The Enemy wants us to doubt the efficacy of God’s grace and the assurance of his mercy.
25 Black Theologians Who Have Grown Our Faith
Scholars and authors reflect on the significance of African American leaders in the church.

Top Story April 24, 2024

Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
After lobbying from fellow Southern Baptists and Christians affected by the war, the House speaker moves a package forward.

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