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Augmenter sa proportion d’hommes n’est pas ce qui fera grandir votre Église
L'histoire nous apprend que la croissance d’une dénomination n'a rien à voir avec la proportion d’hommes et de femmes dans ses rangs.
更多的福音派信徒在婚前住在一起, 教会领袖们很难做出回应。
更多的福音派信徒在婚前住在一起, 教會領袖們很難做出回應。
Se seu filho deixar a igreja, não se desespere. Mas aja rapidamente.
Há uma janela de oportunidade para trazer os jovens de volta, depois que eles deixam a religião institucionalizada, diz a socióloga Melinda Lundquist Denton.
Pastores e pais de jovens divergem sobre o propósito central da igreja
O sociólogo Christian Smith diz que a maioria das mães e dos pais americanos veem o Corpo de Cristo como nada mais do que uma fonte de recursos para os filhos.
Pastores y padres de jóvenes tienen un problema de comunicación acerca del propósito central de la iglesia
El sociólogo Christian Smith dice que la mayoría de las mamás y los papás estadounidenses ven el Cuerpo simplemente como un centro de recursos para sus hijos.
The American Church Is a Mess. But I’m Still Hopeful.
Attrition rates and leadership failures are only one part of the story.
Youth Pastors and Parents Cross Wires on the Core Purpose of Church
Sociologist Christian Smith says most American moms and dads see the Body as nothing more than a resource center for their kids.
If Your Kid Leaves the Church, Don’t Despair. But Act Quickly.
There’s a window of opportunity to bring young adults back after they leave organized religion, says sociologist Melinda Lundquist Denton.
Des valeurs communes pour renforcer la confiance entre science et foi
Elaine Howard Ecklund aborde la curiosité, le shalom et d'autres vertus qu’ont en commun scientifiques et chrétiens.
Los valores comunes que aumentan la confianza entre la ciencia y la fe
Elaine Howard Ecklund examina la curiosidad, el 'shalom' y otras virtudes que los científicos y los cristianos tienen en común.
Parents chrétiens : Vous n'avez pas à protéger vos enfants des opinions divergentes
Si ce que nous leur enseignons est vrai, un examen minutieux ne fera que le confirmer.
Study: Today’s Pastoral Counseling Is More Fluent in Psychology
Journal documents how clergy adapted as more people turned to therapy over religion.
Many Adventists in Asia and Africa Believe You Must Be Vegan to Be Saved
(UPDATED) As the church’s global growth continues, leaders must disentangle its “health message” from views on salvation.
The Cohabitation Dilemma Comes for America’s Pastors
More evangelicals are living together before marriage. Church leaders struggle to respond.
Which Is Worse: the Guilty Freed or the Innocent Punished?
New study examines how your race and view of Scripture shape your answer.
The Common Values That Increase Trust Between Science and Faith
Elaine Howard Ecklund examines curiosity, shalom and other virtues that scientists and Christians share.
The Multiethnic Church Movement Hasn’t Lived up to Its Promise
Multiracial churches have not been good news for everyone. What can we do about it?

Top Story April 24, 2024

Eco-anxiety Is Crippling Gen Z. How Can We Move Forward?
Eco-anxiety Is Crippling Gen Z. How Can We Move Forward?
Christians can disciple each other toward action, prayer, and hope.

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