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Las Olimpiadas también se tratan del fracaso
Los sueños olímpicos inspiran a millones de personas a perseguir objetivos que nunca alcanzarán. He aquí por qué eso es algo bueno.
The Olympics Are About Failure
Olympic dreams inspire countless millions to pursue goals they’ll never achieve. Here’s why that’s a good thing.
Los críticos de Simone Biles pasan por alto la historia completa del abuso corporal
Algunos ven a la gimnasta olímpica como una atleta egoísta. Pero su salida de la competencia es un modelo de cómo honrar en lugar de despreciar nuestros cuerpos.
Celebramos a estos atletas olímpicos cristianos de diferentes partes del mundo
Conozca a los hombres y mujeres que priorizan su fe mientras compiten en los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio 2020.
Os críticos de Simone Biles não reconhecem sua história de abuso físico
Alguns veem a ginasta olímpica como uma atleta que só pensa em si mesma. Mas sua saída da competição é um exemplo de como honrar nosso corpo, em vez de desprezá-lo.
Quick To ListenEpisode 275|1 hr 2min
Before Simone Biles Becomes Christians’ Next Sports Metaphor
Does our discussion of the gymnast’s mental struggles convey a biblical sense of mind and body?
Simone Biles’s Critics Miss the Bigger Story of Bodily Abuse
Some see the Olympic gymnast as a self-serving athlete. But her withdrawal from competition is a model for how to honor rather than disdain our bodies.
Cheer on These Christian Olympians from Around the World
Meet the women and men who make their faith a priority as they compete in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
From Eric Liddell to Allyson Felix: Why Faithful Fans Are Drawn to Olympians
Christian athletes testify to the gospel in competition and beyond.
Paid Content
Paid Content for Faith & Sports Institute
Can the Love of the Game Include the Health of the Mind?
Why mental health in sports should be a Christian concern
Baptists Can Dunk: 5 Facts About Baylor Basketball’s Historic NCAA Championship Win
A culture of joy is at the center of the 114-year-old program’s first national title.
ORU Basketball Fans Know to ‘Expect a Miracle’
The team behind this year’s most impressive March Madness upset carries on Oral Roberts’s legacy of embracing sports as Christian witness.
10 of the Best Books on Sports and Christianity from the Past 10 Years
How scholars, fans, and on-field stars have related faith and athletics.
I Was a World Series Hero on the Brink of Suicide
Drugs had derailed my baseball career and driven me to despair. A chance encounter with a retired pastor changed everything.
Black Christians Play a Crucial Role in Athlete Activism
Though sports ministries long espoused a “colorblind” approach to race, believers in pro sports are leading the calls for racial justice.
How Sports Ministries Can Uniquely Offer Fitness This Summer
Accounting for risks, churches can safely offer exercise opportunities during COVID.
Baseball, Trashcans, Signs, and Numbers
Why Moses struck out during spring training.
The 49ers Chaplain Went from San Quentin to the Super Bowl
In a winning season, Earl Smith also saw the team grow in faith.
Soccer Champ Baptized by Christian Teammate
Liverpool FC player Roberto Firmino says his biggest title is now the love of Christ.


Top Story April 19, 2024

Biblical Literacy in a Postliterate Age
Biblical Literacy in a Postliterate Age
We must always be people of the Word, but we’ll have to reimagine deep engagement with Scripture.

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