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Os cristãos deveriam liderar as discussões sobre diversidade e equidade
Nossa fé nos encoraja a estender a outros o mesmo senso de pertencimento que recebemos.
Christians Should Lead the Way in Diversity and Equity
Our faith encourages us to give unto others the same sense of belonging we have received.
Fragmentation Is Not What’s Killing Us
False unity resolves division, but real unity involves holding diversity in tension.
¿Necesitan los cristianos rusos más Bonhoeffers?
Líderes evangélicos europeos analizan cómo la pertenencia al cuerpo de Cristo debe guiar a los creyentes cuando sus naciones están en guerra.
Нужно ли русским христианам больше Бонхёфферов?
Европейские евангельские лидеры высказали свое мнение о том, как членство в Теле Христовом должно направлять верующих из воюющих между собой стран.
Чи потрібно російським християнам більше Бонхефферів?
Європейські євангельські лідери висловили свою думку щодо того, як членство в Тілі Христовому має спрямовувати віруючих із воюючих між собою країн.
Do Russian Christians Need More Bonhoeffers?
European evangelical leaders discuss how membership in the body of Christ should guide believers when their nations are at war.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 13|55min
Adam Kinzinger Doesn’t Want World War III
Thoughts on Ukraine, Russia, and the January 6 insurrection from a United States congressman.
On Ukraine-Russia Border, Evangelicals Endure as Invasion Looms
(UPDATED) Baptists and Pentecostals in both nations assess activism, unity, and reregistration in the Donbas region’s occupied Luhansk and Donetsk.
No Singing Christian Carols on December 25, Orders Patriarch of Jerusalem
Orthodox edict puts holiday unity in the Holy Land—where Christians in Jordan and Israel have long agreed to observe Western Christmas and Eastern Easter dates—in doubt.
Special Psalms Help Pakistani Christians with Persecution, Pandemic, and Disunity
The heart of Christian worship in Pakistan is the Punjabi Zabur, a century-old model of how to successfully contextualize Scripture.
Ahora todos somos bautistas… Así que no nos peleemos como si lo fuéramos
La democracia estadounidense y el cristianismo democratizado se enfrentan a crisis similares de desunión. 
No hay más héroe que Cristo
Cuando dividimos la iglesia en buenos y malos, le robamos la gloria a Dios.
Realmente estamos en el mismo equipo
Aunque nos resulte difícil de creer, los cristianos tenemos todo lo necesario para «ser uno».
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 1|1 hr
Beth Moore Didn’t Expect Us to Be Us
Lessons in leaving and staying.
CT Premiere: ‘See How Good It Is (Psalm 133)’
An already/not yet psalm of unity.

Top Story April 23, 2024

Hold Your Clapbacks
Hold Your Clapbacks
C.S. Lewis recommended discernment over diatribes in exactly the moments we’re most eager to indulge in critique.

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