
What the New Midlife Crisis Means for Christian Women
Middle-aged women contending with stress can find solace in this gospel message.
The Reformation, Viewed from the East
An Eastern Orthodox theologian assesses Luther’s famous doctrine of ‘sola fide.’
The Holy Ghost of Christmas Past, Present, and Future
Our Christmas stories may be missing their most important character.
The Loving Father Who Judges?
Peter sees no conflict with God’s compassion and his justice.
Buildings That Bear Witness to God
How theology sheds new light on the purposes of architecture.
A Drug Dealer Led Me to Faith
After a childhood marred by substance abuse and a deadbeat dad, I made a friend who would change my life.
Calvin of Arabia: Protestant Theology Translated into Arabic
Labor of love brings the Reformation’s seminal work into the Middle East.
The Generous Soul
Why overcoming the Scrooge in all of us begins with gratitude.
Top 10 Lines Falsely Attributed to C. S. Lewis
Our love of Lewis's words doesn't mean we always get them right.
The Jesusy Movement
Sure, all kinds of Christians love Jesus. But he’s especially central in evangelical piety.
The Dead White Man Who Could Fix Our Race Problem: Oswald Chambers
As a black woman wrestling with racism in America, I lean on a Scottish theologian’s four key insights.
The Many Faces of Martin Luther
Herman Selderhuis’s biography proves that just about every adjective, good or bad, can apply to the great reformer.
I’m Not Called to Keep My Kids from Danger
I can’t keep my kids safe. But I can prepare them for a life of faithfulness.
Evangelical Distinctives in the 21st Century
The first in a series on the meaning and place of a historic movement.
The (Other) Lord of Martin Luther’s Life
What we know—and what we can guess—about the reformer’s wife, Katharina von Bora.
What John Wesley Would Say to Bernie Sanders and Diane Feinstein
The post-Reformation theologian has suggestions for post-Christian America.
The ‘Religious Affections’ of Billy Graham’s Evangelism
On the evangelist’s 99th birthday, we look at the role desire played in so many decisions for Christ.
A Crash Course on Being a Protestant Today
A new “ecclesiological think tank” offers a valuable but incomplete summary.
How America Became Conversion Nation
When your religion is something you choose, not to choose is not an option.
The CallingEpisode 57|29min
How Alvin Plantinga Paved the Way for Christian Philosophy's Comeback
The professor, scholar, and 2017 Templeton Prize winner reflects on over 50 years of defending the reasonableness of theism.

Top Story April 18, 2024

In Secular UK, Evangelical Alliance Experiences Record Growth
In Secular UK, Evangelical Alliance Experiences Record Growth
Leader explains why the movement is seeing its biggest membership bump in 30 years and its mission for the years ahead.

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