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Devotional Journey--Day 9

Today's devotion, "The Sin of Humility" (available by clicking here if you're just joining us) got me thinking - more than reflecting. Particularly because Heidi writes that she believes men may lean more toward the sin of pride and women more toward the sin of humility. So I'm busy here thinking backward and forward in my own life and my own experiences to see if that's true.

And I don't know. While I'm certainly not a boastful person - I don't walk around trying to convince other people how great I am because of my achievements (or at least, I HOPE I don't), I wrestle with pride - no doubt about that! When I do something well, I feel great. I start thinking it's more my doing than God's and all that bad stuff. When things are swimming along for me accomplishment-wise, I get happier in that all-puffed-up-with-my-own-greatness sort of way. So there's that.

But then, that pride-wrestle I do tends to be internal. So that's where the humility thing comes in. It's hard for me to tell friends or family or strangers about good things in my life - because I fear they won't share my pride, but instead will be annoyed at my arrogance. But because of this, it also means that some of the awesome stuff God is doing in my life gets silenced for the same, pathetic reason.

I guess I have more thinking to do on this. How about you?

January13, 2009 at 5:55 AM

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