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In Case You Missed It: Blogs We Updated This Week

New info on Nigeria's Boko Haram violence, Britain's boy and girl scouts, and church security standards.

In addition to reporting fresh religion news daily, CT updates stories we've previously noted.

We tweet the updates. But in case you're not one of our more than 124,000 Twitter followers (and really, why aren't you?), here's what you missed this week:

(Editor's note: This is NOT a roundup of the new blogs we've posted lately, so it shouldn't replace your daily reading!)

Boy Scouts' Inspiration May Accommodate Atheists
Update: Britain's Girl Guides and Scout Association will drop loyalty oaths to God and offer alternative oaths for non-religious members.

Court Rules Medi-Share Must End Cost-Sharing Ministry In Kentucky
New law will exempt Medi-Share from Kentucky's insurance rules, allowing the ministry to operate in the state once again.

White House Tells Churches How To 'Run, Hide, or Fight' When Gunmen Attack
Update: Leading church safety voices say new federal guidelines are a good reminder for churches—especially smaller ones—to think about security.

7 in 10 Christians Killed Worldwide Last Year Came from Just One Country?
Update: New report says civil unrest in Nigeria is overshadowing persecution of Christians.

We'll admit: It was a slow week for Gleanings updates. But it was a busy week on other fronts, and CT editors were hard at work covering breaking news. Here's a look back at what we covered:

After Exodus: Evangelicals React as Ex-Gay Ministry Starts Over

A roundup of responses to Alan Chambers's apology and Exodus International's shutdown and reboot after nearly four decades of ministry.

Six Surprises from Bono's Interview with Focus on the Family

Jim Daly and singer-activist discuss Jesus as Messiah, evangelical credit for PEPFAR, and how C.S. Lewis may inspire the next U2 song.

Ministry Leaders and Experts Respond to the DOMA and Prop. 8 Rulings

What the decisions really say, plus responses from Jim Daly, Andrew Marin, and others.

Hobby Lobby Wins 'Major Victory' against HHS Contraceptive Mandate

Also, Geneva College becomes first nonprofit to win injunction.

Sweeping Immigration Reform Bill Passes Senate

Gang of 8's original proposal drew support from Evangelical Immigration Table.

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