Church Leadership

Church Leadership
How Often Should a Church's Leadership Meetings Be Held?
Church leadership meetings should happen as often as needed, but never more often than necessary.

Staff, deacons, department heads, volunteers and others.

Even in a small church, there are several types of leaders. And we need to have healthy, open communication with them.

Recently I was asked, “in a small church, how often should church leadership meetings be held?” ...

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Church Leadership
5 Simple Steps to Recruit Volunteers In a Small Church
It's hard to disciple people when you can't even find volunteers. This simple process can help small churches do both better.
5 Simple Steps to Recruit Volunteers In a Small Church

The primary calling of the pastor is to equip God’s people to do the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12).

But it’s hard to do that when you can’t find any volunteers.

It’s one of the questions I get asked a lot – especially when I’m teaching ...

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Church Leadership
Why I Don’t Go to the Bible to Find Sermon Material
When we treat the Bible like a collection of sermon texts, we can lose the wonder and the beauty of it.
Why I Don’t Go to the Bible to Find Sermon Material
Image: Lauri Rantala | Flickr

God’s Word is not a collection of sermon notes.

It’s not a text book, a rule book, or a collection of inspirational quotes.

That’s why I never go to the Bible to find a passage to preach on for Sunday’s sermon.

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Church Leadership
Overcome Ministry Burnout By Learning to Say ‘No’
Saying ‘no’ isn’t a lack of faith. Sometimes it’s a necessary first step in narrowing our focus and strengthening our faith.
Overcome Ministry Burnout By Learning to Say ‘No’
Image: caesararum | Flickr

I can’t do it all.

Neither can you.

Even though I love saying ‘yes’.

Yes to God. Yes to people. Yes to crazy ideas that might turn out to be great ideas in disguise.

But I’ve learned that saying ‘yes’ means more when it’s balanced by the ...

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Church Leadership
Epidemic: Another Pastor Burned Out and Quit Last Sunday
The pain of one pastor is intensified under the unforgiving glare of the spotlight, while the pain of another is ignored. Both hurt equally.
Epidemic: Another Pastor Burned Out and Quit Last Sunday
Image: Caden Crawford Follow | Flickr

It never gets easier. No matter how many times you hear about it.

And we're hearing about it a lot more lately. In epidemic numbers.

Another pastor announced to his stunned congregation that he couldn't do it anymore. He loved them. He was proud of the kingdom work they'd ...

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Church Leadership
Finding God's Will for Your Life Is Easier than You Think
Many Christians overplay the importance of God's specific will, while underestimating the value of God's universal will.
Finding God's Will for Your Life Is Easier than You Think
Image: Sarah | Flickr

Finding God’s will for your life is not as difficult as we make it out to be.

In fact, 90 percent of God's will for my life is the same as 90 percent of God's will for your life. (Actual results may vary.)

If it was portrayed in a Venn diagram, the two circles would ...

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Church Leadership
5 Lies Pastors are Tempted to Tell – And How to Resist Them
No one wants bad news. So we're tempted to downplay the negatives, up-sell the positives and call it faith.
5 Lies Pastors are Tempted to Tell – And How to Resist Them
Image: Julian Carvajal | Flickr

In over 35 years of pastoral ministry, I've known and worked alongside hundreds of pastors. I've met thousands.

I can count the dishonest ones – the wolves in sheep's clothing – on one hand. With fingers left over.

But there are some lies that even the ...

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Church Leadership
How to Stay Healthy While Pastoring an Unhealthy Church
Hurting churches hurt people. Including pastors who try to help them. Here are 9 principles to help you stay strong.
How to Stay Healthy While Pastoring an Unhealthy Church
Image: Renate Meijer | Flickr

A healthy church is a great place of healing.

But an unhealthy church causes problems for everyone who touches it – including the pastor who’s called to help turn it around.

More people get sick in hospitals than anywhere else. Because that’s where the sick people ...

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Church Leadership
Why Most Pastors Aren’t Answering Your Phone Calls
It's one the great mysteries of ministry. Why do pastors have such a bad reputation for answering or returning phone calls? Here are 9 reasons.
Why Most Pastors Aren’t Answering Your Phone Calls
Image: Loren Kerns | Flickr

If you’re a missionary, evangelist, or someone else who spends time trying to get in touch with pastors on the phone, I feel for you.

Pastors are notoriously bad at answering or returning phone calls.

I admit, I’m one of them.

It’s not because we’re lazy, ...

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Church Leadership
4 Proven Strategies for the Care and Treatment of an Unhealthy Church
Unhealthy churches aren’t like healthy ones. Acting as though they are doesn’t help them, it hurts them.
4 Proven Strategies for the Care and Treatment of an Unhealthy Church
Image: NEC Corporation of America | Flickr

There are a lot of books and articles about how a healthy church should behave.

That’s appropriate. We should always have a picture of our desired future in our hearts and minds.

But what does a pastor do with an unhealthy church?

I’m going to propose a radical idea ...

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