Innovative Ministry

Innovative Ministry
3 Reasons Your Church’s Mission Doesn’t Have To Be Different To Be Effective
There are great dangers in thinking that a church has to do something unique to fulfill their mission.

There are two equal, but opposite mistakes we make when it comes to discovering a church’s mission.

First extreme: find out what the cool churches are doing and copy that.

Second extreme: find something no other church is doing and pursue that.

The first extreme is an obvious ...

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Innovative Ministry
In Praise Of Walmart Churches
Walmart churches don’t care how they look to others. They know who they are and who they’re called to reach.

There are a lot of cool churches in the world.

Congregations trying the latest ideas, ministries using cutting-edge graphics, and worship bands leading us in the newest songs.

I like cool churches.

It’s great to see them keeping up to date, trying innovative methods, and ...

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Innovative Ministry
Responsive Design: If Your Church Leadership Ideas Don’t Adapt For Size, You’re Behind The Curve
Like responsive design for different sizes of devices, responsive design for different church sizes is more possible – and necessary – than ever before.

Are you involved in church leadership? As in, does any of your ministry involve overseeing, teaching or helping other church leaders?

If so, have you ever been frustrated by the inability of some small churches to utilize your ideas? No doubt you have.

Here’s a simple illustration ...

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Innovative Ministry
What To Do When Your Ministry Passion Doesn’t Match Your Ministry Skill Set
You can apply the skills God gave you without denying the passion he planted in you.

Some ministers seem to be ideally suited for what they do.

Their passion, their skill set, their spiritual gifting and their circumstances all seem to line up in one integral whole.

But what about the rest of us? What do you do when you feel divided? When your passion goes in ...

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Innovative Ministry
Before Your Congregation Dies: 6 Proactive Options For Your Church Property
Just as my identity is not in my body, a church’s identity is not in its building – or it shouldn’t be.

In the next decade or two, we are going to see an unprecedented number of churches close their doors.

Unprecedented for North Americans churches, that is.

We know this is coming because we’ve already seen it happen in Europe. Many of their historic church buildings are as ...

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Innovative Ministry
The One Change Every Small Church Pastor Needs To Make
We need to move the from doing ministry for people, to the biblical pastoral model of equipping God’s people to do ministry.

Breaking the 200 barrier.

I wonder if any subject has received more attention in the last generation of church leadership training.

In some ways, it makes sense to spend so much time talking about it. After all, there is a fundamental shift that must take place when a church reaches ...

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Innovative Ministry
Remember Blogs? (For Every Communicator Who's Felt Out Of Step)
A word of encouragement to everyone who’s felt criticized or left behind when others move on to something new, cool or cutting edge.

Recently I heard a pastor say two words that hit me like a punch to the gut.

I was watching him in a short online video teaching clip, when he referenced an article he’d read on a blog a couple years ago.

Before talking about the content of the article, he off-handedly quipped, ...

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Innovative Ministry
Pulpit Discipleship: Organizing Your Annual Preaching Calendar For Maximum Effectiveness
As a small church pastor, I have to keep these two tasks in balance – preaching to the congregation, and spending time with members.

Preaching is one of the most important responsibilities of the pastor in a small church context.

It’s important, not just because it is the most visible function of a pastor, but because it is one of the primary tools for discipleship.

As pastors, our primary job is making ...

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Innovative Ministry
Free Apps and Websites Any Church Can Use To Organize, Promote And Do More Creative Ministry
If your church is small and your budget is non-existent, new technology may seem out of reach. But it’s not.

We are living more of our lives online than ever before. And our online time will increase for some time before it levels off.

While there are certainly a lot of downsides to this, there are also huge upsides that every church can take advantage of. With people spending an average ...

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Innovative Ministry
5 Positive Trends In Today's Worship Music
Not all current worship trends are positive, but there are far more good ones than negative ones.

It’s easy to criticize today’s worship music. Too easy.

“It’s repetitive!” “It’s too loud!” “It’s theologically shallow!” “And it’s repetitive!”

Similar criticisms have been made for every generation ...

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