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Writer's Guidelines

How Do I Submit a Query?

The articles on CTPastors.com are written by our readers, so we welcome your ideas. Most of our writing is requested, but we do occasionally publish unsolicited manuscripts. Please send us a brief query describing your idea and how you plan to develop it. We'll respond to you as quickly as possible.

To send your query to us, click here.

Be sure to tell us about yourself. Include your name, your church name, and position. If you blog or write online, include links to your strongest recent pieces so that we can scan your writing style.

Who Is CTPastors.com’s Audience?

CTPastors.com is Christianity Today’s publication for working pastors. Our audience includes senior and solo pastors, other pastors on staff at churches, and lay people from a wide variety of backgrounds who serve in pastoral roles.

Core Qualities of a CTPastors.com Article

We're looking for pieces that provide wisdom and tools for working pastors. A published article describes real experiences in powerful prose, painting vivid scenes that pastors can identify with. Tell the story of what happened and what you learned. Readers can see what went wrong and what went right, learning from the experience of someone who's been there. Show that you understand the complexities, joys, and pain of modern ministry. Offer insight on the practical issues: the conflicts, temptations, mistakes, and successes.

What Shouldn’t I Submit?

CTPastors.com does not publish the following:

  • Poetry
  • Theology pieces (for example, “Why we should teach more on ...”)
  • Movie, TV show, or video game reviews
  • Articles belittling or attacking working pastors or the church
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