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Devotional Journey—Day 4

It's Day 4. Are you starting to notice any themes in these Bible studies? One message I've noticed cropping us it that we are to fix ourselves solely on the Lord and not his work. Being spiritual and holy is all about "to be" instead of "to do." Consider these excerpts:

Day 1: "Our sole focus should be on the compelling beauty of our Lord, and what moves us forward is only our desire for him. So my advice is: don't seek an improved spirituality, or even a better prayer life. Just seek the Lord Jesus Christ, and keep your eyes on him."

Day 2: "I don't know what your default is as a leader, but my guess is we could all use a little more ?encounter' with God and fewer bullet points."

Day 3: "It takes courage, faith, and the power of the Holy Spirit to truly embrace the love of God for ourselves and others" (emphasis added).

Day 4: Romans 12:1 reads: "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship." Amy Simpson writes, "But perhaps spiritual gifts are more about being than doing."

Often when we focus on the character of God and the power of the Holy Spirit instead of religious chores, we naturally end up ministering to others without even trying. We worship constantly, and only sometimes use words, as the saying goes. I was thinking about the Reflect question from today's devotion: When has God nudged you to minister to someone along your path ? in your neighborhood, at work, at the store? How did you respond to God's leading? And I remembered this.

A few years ago, I worked at a coffee shop. As I'd walk through the shop cleaning tables, I noticed it was very common for people to read their Bibles, journal, or pray while they sipped their lattes. Without thinking too much about it, and without ever even making eye contact, I got into the habit of saying a quick prayer for people who were spending time with the Lord in the coffee shop. Sure, they were generic, like "Lord, bless this person as they read about you" or "May this person feel your presence today," but heartfelt and undoubtedly heard by God.

So how about you? Will you share with us how your answered this Reflect question from today's devotion? Does God's nudge ever come, like it did for Amy's sister, in the form of saying "no"?

January08, 2009 at 8:53 AM

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