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Can I Follow You As I Follow Christ?
People don’t want to hear your words; they want to see your actions
Ladies, Beware!
Protect yourself from ministry predators
5 Tips for Staying in Leadership in Trying Times
Lessons on leading through suffering from the life of Amanda Berry Smith
Trapped in the Church
I feel caught between legalism and cheap grace
One Reason People Won’t Join Your Church
Remember hurt can make commitment scary
Did Jesus Say to Welcome Only the Documented Stranger?
I am firmly convinced that I am obligated to love
The Power of Women Helping Each Other
Follow the example of Harriet Tubman.
How the Church Can Support Emotional Health
If you can’t find healing in the Body of Christ, where can you find it?
Don’t Be a Victim of Your Intellect
I learned I could lead with my strength or be led by the Spirit
The Church Should Be a Hospital
We are called to be a place of healing, not a place of hurt.
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