
The Bible Was Written to Be Heard and Spoken to Be Read
God’s Word has oral and textual dimensions, and we shouldn’t pit them against one another.
The Surprising Practicality of Christian Philosophy
For believers, pursuing a philosophical life is the opposite of having your head in the clouds.
Can Christian Colleges Make the Grade?
An experienced evangelical educator sees challenges ahead—but opportunities too.
New & Noteworthy Fiction
Chosen by Jamie Lapeyrolerie, writer and editor for WaterBrook and Multomah.
Five Books to Encourage Single Parents
Chosen by Anna Meade Harris, author of ‘God’s Grace for Every Family: Biblical Encouragement for Single Parent Families and the Churches That Seek to Love Them Well.’
My Students Are Reading John Mark Comer, and Now I Know Why
The popular pastor’s latest works inhabit a fruitful tension between inheriting church tradition and rebuilding it for today’s world.
The Data-Backed Case for Marriage
Brad Wilcox’s Get Married debunks misguided conventional wisdom and offers both challenge and hope to Christian singles.
The Cross Is Poetically Profound. But Prose Can Help Us See It Clearly.
Brian Zahnd’s meditation on cruciformity is theologically rich, but sometimes theologically risky.
Taking Care of a Grateful Faith
An excerpt on sanctification and conceit from theologian Cornelius Plantinga’s new book, Gratitude: Why Giving Thanks Is the Key to Our Well-Being.
David Brooks: We Change People for the Better by Knowing Them More Fully
The New York Times columnist says extraordinary things happen—both personally and socially—when we pay attention to others.
Truth from Power
David E. Fitch’s Reckoning with Power offers Christians a purer model of power but misreads how power operates in the ministry of the church.
Why Young Men Are Failing to Launch
For Gen Z men who feel purposeless and lost, the way off the couch is the way of the Cross.
Iranians Gain 12 New Ways to Read the Bible
Marginalized minority groups receive New Testament translations. “If Jesus delays his return, they will say: Christians preserved our culture.”
One Underrated Way to Enrich Your Christian Political Witness: Be a Better Christian
Personal discipleship and spiritual formation are hardly irrelevant to the rough-and-tumble of public debate.
Grace in the Age of Guilt
Rules and moral codes won’t save us in an era of judgment, hate, and superego. What will save us is mercy.
Tim Alberta Is More Sad Than Angry at His American Evangelical Family
The Atlantic journalist’s portrait of a fractured movement chooses lament over axe-grinding.
Spiritual Formation Is Becoming Like Jesus
Our new year’s resolutions won’t get very far if we neglect the object of our transfiguration.
‘Cultural Christians’ Have Existed for as Long as Christians Have Existed
We often credit the early church with heroic faithfulness. But it was hardly innocent of accommodation and compromise.
The Bible Dictates What the Church Teaches. Should Church Teaching Dictate How We Read the Bible?
A Protestant considers a Catholic theologian’s call for an “ecclesial” reading of Scripture.
Close Encounters of the Elite Institutional Kind
How a contested alien abduction claim from the 1960s helps explain modern cynicism toward credentialed experts and organizations.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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