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SBC Membership Falls to 47-Year Low, But Church Involvement Is Up
Amid the continued declines, Southern Baptists are celebrating back-to-back years of growth in worship attendance and baptism.
The Church Shouldn’t Be an Echo Chamber
Let us not give up meeting together—even when we disagree.
Big Trouble in Small Groups
A pastor offers practical advice for the top three hurdles of church small groups: childcare, commitment, and over-talkers.
Don’t Let Yourself Be ‘Cured of Churchgoing’
Church homelessness is lonely and exhausting. And the only antidote is Christian community.
Trump-Era Controversies Had a Measurable Effect on Church Attendance
Politically moderate and left-leaning evangelicals appear to be most impacted.
Pandemic Restrictions Had No Lasting Effect on Churches, Study Finds
Even in states where regulations were severe, most congregations moved on quickly.
Pastors Wonder About Church Members Who Never Came Back Post-Pandemic
New research shows disagreement over COVID-19 policies drove changes in attendance, but “a lot of it is a mystery.”
COVID-19 Hit Black Churches Harder, but They Weathered It Better
New research shows how Black churches suffered during the pandemic. But these congregations also found unity where others were torn apart.
Church Is Life Together or Not at All
It’s time for evangelicals to rediscover Bonhoeffer’s best-known work on the nature of Christian community.
Pastors, There’s a Ministry in Staying Put
One of the best gifts you can give your church is not leaving too soon.
I Skipped Church for Three Years
My spiritual loneliness brought me back.
Evangelicals’ Theology of the Church Must Be Born Again
The ‘Great Dechurching’ is an opportunity for our tradition to rediscover a more enduring ecclesiology.
Stay the Course: How to Keep Your Faith in College
A Bible professor’s advice for staying close to Christ on campus.
The Church Medium Is the Message
What the recent J. D. Greear video clip says about all of us.
What If Churches Ask for More and No One Says Yes?
Jake Meador has a provocative proposal for reversing dechurching. But it may not be that simple.
How We Stay in Church Matters as Much as Why
Spiritual abuse survivors who join a new congregation still need to heal from their hurt.
‘Conscious Uncoupling’ from Church Is the New Temptation
Dones and “umms” are leaving the sanctuary or loitering outside the door. But when have they actually left?
Nondenominational Churches Are Growing and Multiplying in DC
The city some dismiss as “The Swamp” is fertile ground for evangelicals.
It’s Time to Forgive Each Other Our Pandemic Sins
As the COVID-19 emergency ends, the church can lead the world into a spirit of amnesty.
‘Why Church?’ Is the Wrong Question
Private devotion, community service, and entertainment aren’t what the local congregation is for.