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In the Beginning, Did God Make ‘Sky Father’ and ‘Earth Mother’?
Māori Christians in New Zealand bristle at newly translated portions of the Bible that use the names of local deities.
Why the Pacific Islands Are 90 Percent Christian
It wasn’t only because of missionaries from the West, says a Tongan Australian theologian.
A Call to ‘Wake Up’ 50 Years After Malaysia’s Bario Revival
A revival spread in a small tribal village in 1973. Its impact is still being felt today.
How Indigenous Conflicts in Chile Ended up Targeting Christians
Mapuche attacks against the government and environmental companies have included the arson of numerous churches.
A Person by Any Other Pronoun
Responses to our September issue.
‘We Do Need Healing’: What First Nation Christians Make of Australia’s Indigenous Representation Referendum
(UPDATED) Leaders want a seat at the table. Not all are sure about changing the Constitution.
The Bible Story That Explains Australia: Jezebel and Ahab’s Violent Vineyard
The biblical story of Naboth's vineyard teaches non-indigenous Christians like me how God views the injustice that made Melbourne.
Beyond Pope’s Apology, Indigenous Christians Carve Own Path to Healing
Recovering languages and contextualizing theology help Canada's First Nations communities reconcile faith and culture after residential schools made them "hate the name of Jesus."
Native American Pastor Leads Southern Baptists to Decry Forced Conversions
“Burdened and broken” by the federal investigation into Indian boarding schools, Mike Keahbone drafted the denomination’s first resolution in support of native peoples.
10 Biblical Terms I Wish Christians Had in English
How the languages of the indigenous in Panama, a community in Siberia, and people in Papua New Guinea shape their understanding of God.
How Eagle Feathers and Copper Mines Might Alter Your Religious Liberty
A peculiar case in Arizona has the potential to shape churches, ministries, and schools across the country.
This Land Is Your Land, Say More Churches in Canada Than in US
CRC congregations weigh land acknowledgements amid rising awareness of indigenous injustices on both sides of the border.
The Church Has Ignored the Grief of First Nation Peoples Too Long
Members of my congregation poured out their stories after the recent discoveries at Canada’s residential schools. Here’s why we all should be listening.