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I’m an Evangelical Parent of Adult LGBTQ Children. Now What?
My theology is squarely orthodox. Now I need fellow Christians to help me work out a sustainable vision of day-to-day life with my children.
World Vision Appeals Employment Discrimination Case to Ninth Circuit
Federal appeals courts are starting to wrestle with how nondiscrimination laws apply to religious organizations when it comes to sexual orientation and gender identity.
Conservative Methodists, Unite
After this week’s UMC votes on LGBTQ issues, African Methodists should join American conservatives in the new Global Methodist denomination.
After United Methodist Split, Some Conservatives Remain
Study: 24 percent of clergy in North Carolina are still opposed to same-sex marriage.
How Do LGBTQ+ Students Fare at Christian Colleges? It’s Complicated.
Our research, based on large-scale student surveys, finds a surprising and complex interplay of religion and mental health at US universities.
Christ et la cancel-culture
Quelques leçons de la controverse autour des propos d’Alistair Begg.
Christ and Cancel Culture
A lesson from the Alistair Begg controversy.
Jesus Freaks in the Taylor Swift Era
Blessed are those who are weird for righteousness’ sake, not just dabbling in baseless conspiracy theories about a pop star and the NFL.
Alistair Begg Meets the Politically Correct
How to love our LGBTQ family members is a difficult issue. But mob mentality is always a betrayal of Christ.
Judge Hands World Vision a Defeat in Employment Case
The federal case is one of several around the country right now where courts are trying to balance nondiscrimination statutes with religious freedom.
The Unusual Epistle that Helps Me Counsel on Sexuality
Jude has strong words for immorality in the church. Yet he advocates for mercy for those who doubt.
Free Speech Victory for Finnish Politician and Bishop Who Said Homosexuality Is Sinful
Appeals court unanimously affirms that the traditional interpretation of the Bible is not criminal hate speech.
Andy Stanley’s ‘Unconditional’ Contradiction
The Atlanta-area pastor has said he affirms a New Testament sexual ethic, but his words and deeds have muddled that message.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 72|38min
Bridging Generational Divides with Jean Twenge
The psychologist and professor on differences and dialogue.
No finjamos que la ley de Uganda en materia de homosexualidad es cristiana
No todo pecado es un crimen. Además, las Escrituras no pueden aplicarse fuera de su contexto.
A medida que el éxodo de iglesias metodistas llega a 5800, algunas encuentran caminos bloqueados
(ACTUALIZACIÓN) Los costos y las complicaciones de la desafiliación de la UMC están dejando a muchas congregaciones estancadas.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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