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Most Pastors Still Oppose Same-Sex Marriage
Levels of support for LGBTQ relationships have plateaued among Protestant clergy.
Growth in Faith-Based Higher Ed Prompts Colleges to Share Innovations
Leaders in evangelical higher ed have joined a new commission to collaborate around recent innovations and adaptations.
Southern Baptists Pledged to Launch an Online Database of Abusers. It’s Still Empty.
Lack of funding and liability concerns have stalled abuse reform efforts.
The Chosen Season 4 Available for Streaming—‘Finally’
The TV series had to wait months to go up online due to a legal dispute with its former partner Angel Studios over content licensing.
Anglican Bishop Removed as Clergy Call for Transparency in Investigation
While the ACNA hasn’t offered public updates on a trial for Stewart Ruch’s abuse response, Todd Atkinson, a bishop appointed to assist him, has been deposed over inappropriate relationships.
DOJ Issues First Indictment in Southern Baptist Investigation
A former official at Southwestern Seminary has been charged with falsifying records in the federal probe into the denomination’s abuse response.
Billy Graham’s US Capitol Statue Unveiled
The late evangelist is one of just four Americans who have received the nation’s three highest congressional honors.
Grace College Professor Terminated Following Facebook Campaign
Matthew Warner, who had tweeted about gay marriage, is the latest in a string of Christian college faculty who have lost their jobs after being accused of theological misalignment.
United Methodists Strike Ban on LGBTQ Clergy
After years of disagreement and the departure of thousands of churches, the change passed without debate.
After Schism, United Methodists Vote to Restructure Denomination
The plan would organize UMC churches in four global regions, with each given more leeway around same-sex marriage and other theological issues.
Died: Mandisa, ‘Overcomer’ Singer and American Idol Star
The Grammy-winning artist was found dead at her home in Nashville at age 47.
Baptists Call on House Speaker Mike Johnson to Stand with Ukraine
Seminary leaders say that the country, where Baptists are the largest Protestant denomination, has lost hundreds of churches in the war with Russia.
Southern Baptists Finally Name New Executive Committee President
Seminary head Jeff Iorg steps in after multiple resignations, failed searches, and back-to-back interim leaders.
Survey: US Hispanic Churches Could Do More if They Had More
Their pastors are mostly evangelical, sometimes bivocational, and eager for additional workers and funding to better serve their communities.
Más evangélicos ven a los inmigrantes como una amenaza y una pérdida económica
Encuesta: A pesar de que las preocupaciones han crecido en los últimos dos años, la mayoría todavía está a favor de una reforma migratoria y dice que la iglesia tiene la responsabilidad de ayudar.
More Evangelicals See Immigrants as a Threat and Economic Drain
Survey: Even with growing concerns over the past two years, most still favor immigration reform and say the church has a responsibility to help.
Calvin President Resigns Over Inappropriate Messages
Trustees found Wiebe Boer’s alleged conduct “concerning” and “inconsistent with the high standard and character” the college expects of its leadership.
Southern Baptists to Launch New Org to Oversee Abuse Database
After years of holdups, a task force says the work of abuse reform is too much for volunteers alone.
What Research Says About the Five Love Languages
Even Gary Chapman clarifies it’s not about picking just one.
Aaron Ivey, Worship Pastor at Austin Stone, Fired Over Explicit Texts
The author, musician, and husband of podcaster Jamie Ivey showed “a very clear pattern of predatory manipulation” in messages to multiple males, according to church elders.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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