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One of Oldest Books in Existence Will Be Sold, Worrying Scholars
An ancient codex, containing perhaps the earliest complete versions of Jonah and 1 Peter, goes up for auction in June. Will it disappear?
Si Panamá cierra el Tapón del Darién, ¿les importará a los evangélicos?
Los derechos de los migrantes han pasado desapercibidos para muchos cristianos panameños. Pero a medida que aumentan las presiones, algunos se pronuncian antes de las elecciones generales de este fin de semana.
Santas limosnas: Nicolás Maduro corteja a los votantes evangélicos en Venezuela con regalos y dinero en efectivo
A medida que se acercan las elecciones presidenciales, el gobierno actual amplía programas que benefician a iglesias y pastores.
Holy Handouts: Venezuela’s Maduro Woos Evangelical Voters with Gifts and Cash
As the presidential election approaches, the incumbent government seeks to win support with aid to churches and pastors.
Christian Athletes Know How to Build Platforms for Jesus. Can They Brand Themselves?
NIL deals in college athletics present new challenges—and opportunities—for colleges and students.
Mike Johnson Defies GOP to Heed Evangelical Pleas for Ukraine Aid
After lobbying from fellow Southern Baptists and Christians affected by the war, the House speaker moves a package forward.
Des pasteurs kényans préparent le terrain pour une intervention en Haïti
Le président kényan William Ruto a chargé des responsables d’église de rencontrer des représentants des forces de l’ordre et de l’armée haïtiennes, ainsi qu’un chef de gang, afin de discuter de la mission de sécurité envisagée par le Kenya.
الحرب المنسية: المسيحيون النازحون في السودان يستعدون لأسوأ أزمة جوع في العالم
مقابلة مع قائد الاتحاد الإنجيلي الجديد التي تصف هروبه من الخرطوم والضغوط ليأخذ طرف.
La lucha por la libertad religiosa a nivel internacional se expande
La reunión anual sobre la Libertad Religiosa Internacional resaltó que la persecución de las personas de fe en todo el mundo sigue en aumento.
Kenyan Pastors Are Praying for Haiti. They’re Also Shaping the Police Mission to Save It.
President William Ruto commissioned church leaders to meet with Haitian law enforcement, military representatives, and a gang leader to discuss Kenya’s security mission.
Le Soudan est toujours en guerre. Une alliance évangélique vient d’y naître
Le responsable de l’alliance évangélique nouvellement créée évoque la situation de son pays, sa fuite de Khartoum et la pression exercée sur lui pour qu’il choisisse un camp.
Prière d’enlever ses chaussures ?
Peu de traditions protestantes perpétuent la pratique du lavement des pieds. Certains souhaiteraient en voir le retour.
Siapa yang Paling Mungkin Mempraktikkan Saat Teduh Setiap Hari?
Survei mendapati bahwa dua pertiga pengunjung gereja meluangkan waktu bersama Tuhan setidaknya setiap hari, tetapi praktiknya berbeda-beda.
After United Methodist Split, Some Conservatives Remain
Study: 24 percent of clergy in North Carolina are still opposed to same-sex marriage.
Forgotten War: Sudan’s Displaced Christians Brace for ‘World’s Worst’ Hunger Crisis
Interview with leader of new evangelical alliance describes his escape from Khartoum and the pressure to pick a side.
Died: Beverly LaHaye, Pastor’s Wife Who Led Religious Right
The founder of Concerned Women for America was credited by President Ronald Reagan with “changing the face of American politics.”
More Pastors Are Leaving Ministry Over Church Conflict
But experts say it can offer opportunities for leaders and congregations to grow.
Au Sénégal, le ngalakh rapproche chrétiens et musulmans.
Des évangéliques évoquent l’opportunité de cette pratique d’origine catholique pour favoriser la bonne cohabitation et faire connaître l’Évangile.
Chuck Swindoll Steps Down as Senior Pastor, but Won’t Retire
At 89 years old and more than 60 years into ministry, the Stonebriar Community Church founder plans to remain its primary preacher after the church names his successor.
Make Nepal Hindu Again: Christians Concerned by Rising Religious Nationalism
Hindutva ideology is crossing the border from India and making ministry more challenging for churches in the former Hindu kingdom.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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