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인터뷰: 팀 켈러가 말하는 “결혼의 의미”
팀 켈러 목사가 성 역할이 변화하고 있다고 말하는 이유와 교회가 효과적으로 결혼을 장려하는 수 있는 방법
50 ateos encontraron a Cristo. Esta investigadora descubrió por qué
Jana Harmon pinta un cuadro detallado de las razones por las que los escépticos llegan a la fe.
珍娜·哈蒙(Jana Harmon)詳細描繪了懷疑論者走向信仰的原因。
珍娜·哈蒙(Jana Harmon)详细描绘了怀疑论者走向信仰的原因。
Hukum Perjanjian Lama adalah Undangan yang Indah untuk Keintiman dengan Allah
Alasan orang percaya tidak boleh membuangnya karena malu.
50 Atheists Found Christ. This Researcher Found Out Why.
Jana Harmon paints a detailed picture of the reasons skeptics come to faith.
La visión evangélica del fin de los tiempos tiene un problema central
No deberíamos desechar la segunda venida de Cristo con extrañas teorías sobre cómo se desarrollará.
Evangelical End Times Thinking Has a Baby-and-Bathwater Issue
We shouldn’t toss out Christ’s second coming with bizarre theories of how it will unfold.
What Singleness Reveals about the World to Come
Unmarried Christians can live as signposts of the new creation.
The Bible Does Everything Critical Theory Does, but Better
Scripture offers a deeper analysis of modern society than modern society could give itself.
Shame Has Many Causes—and One Remedy
How to find freedom from cycles of navel-gazing and self-loathing.
David Platt: We Take the Gospel to the Nations, as the Nations
The Great Commission strikes at the heart of an Americanized gospel.
The Relatable Zeal of Puritan Women
They were extremely into religion without being extreme.
‘I Will Grieve but not Grumble, Mourn but not Murmur, Weep but not Whine’
What Tim Challies resolved in the wake of his son’s sudden death.
Where Angels Fear to Tread: Writing A TV Show About Jesus
The screenwriters for “The Chosen” wanted a main character who is not like Superman.
Rosaria Butterfield: La hospitalidad cristiana es radicalmente diferente a la hospitalidad de nuestra cultura
No se trata de entretener invitados, sino de responder a la presente crisis de incredulidad.
Q&A Natasha Sistrunk Robinson: Call for the Wailing Women of Color
The editor of “Voices of Lament” on how public injustice demands public sorrow.
Tell Me Your Beliefs on Sex Without Telling Me Your Beliefs on Sex
Over time, our embodied lives reliably reveal the stories and myths that shape us.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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