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Playing the Cultural Long Game
Sniping from the sidelines is easy. Building something better takes patience.
Meet the Christian Rap Duo from ‘Reservation Dogs’
Hip hop artists Lil Mike and Funny Bone got their start performing at churches. Now they’re acting on FX’s critically acclaimed television series.
Vamos falar sobre raça como filhos de Deus, e não como construtores de Babel
Em Cristo, podemos lidar até mesmo com as conversas mais difíceis sem desrespeitar o outro.
Let’s Talk About Race like Believers, Not Babel-ers
In Christ, we can handle even the toughest conversations without speaking past one another.
Au secours ! J’ai arrêté de me préoccuper de Dieu.
Pourquoi les chrétiens glissent dans l’apathie spirituelle, et comment en sortir ?
The Christian Case for Reading Black Classics
Why James Baldwin, Toni Morrison, and other African American masters deserve an audience among all believers.
선교사 케네스 배, 북한 강제 수용소의 경험을 이야기하다
“주님, 저를 자유롭게 하소서”에서 “주님, 저를 사용해주시옵소서”로 바뀐 기도제목
¡Ayuda! Siento que Dios ya no me importa
Por qué los cristianos caen en la apatía espiritual (y cómo pueden salir de ella).
Secularism Doesn’t Have to Be Bad
Understood rightly, it offers the best hope of keeping pluralistic societies peaceful and free.
"Socorro! Minha fé esfriou."
Por que os cristãos caem na apatia espiritual e como podem se recuperar dela
Help! I’ve Stopped Caring About God.
Why Christians slide into spiritual apathy, and how they can recover.
Religious Experiences Are Common. Which Ones Should We Trust?
Reports of divine encounters aren’t always legitimate, but they shouldn’t be lightly dismissed.
Nigeria’s Newest Bible Translation Started with Missionary Lepers
After the gospel came to a small community in northeast Nigeria, two men on two different continents spent five decades translating Scripture into the Kamwe language.
Miracles Are Outlasting the Arguments Against Them
New Testament scholar Craig Keener investigates contemporary accounts of “signs and wonders,” while suggesting that many grounds for skepticism are behind the times.
Learning to Love Your Limits
Our overburdened lives are often a problem of theology, not time management.
5 Ways Nonbelievers Are Drawn to God Without Knowing It
How the Bible’s doctrine of humanity gives us hope for reaching even the hardest of hearts.
The Great Commission’s Greatest Hits
Alice T. Ott identifies the pivotal moments in Christianity’s global expansion.
William Lane Craig Explores the Headwaters of the Human Race
The philosopher and theologian ventures a new hypothesis on Genesis, human origins, and the historical Adam.
Francis Collins: How Christians Can Help Curb COVID-19
A conversation with the director of the National Institutes of Health.
Church History Is a Beautiful Melody Imperfectly Performed
How the message of Christ resonated through the centuries, even at moments when his followers failed to keep the tune.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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