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Presbyterian School Mourns 6 Dead in Nashville Shooting
Victims include the head of school and the 9-year-old daughter of the church’s lead pastor.
Evangelicals Are the Most Beloved US Faith Group Among Evangelicals
And among the worst-rated by everybody else.
Tim Keller Calls on God’s ‘Providential Oversight’ Amid Treatment for New Tumors
Three years into his pancreatic cancer diagnosis, the New York pastor will undergo immunotherapy again.
Jinger Duggar Vuolo ‘Disentangles’ Her Faith After Gothard Upbringing
She says her new book is “not just for me, but it’s also for the victims.”
Southern Baptist Convention Disfellowships Saddleback Church
Four other congregations with female pastors were also determined to be not in “friendly cooperation” with the SBC, as well as one removed over its abuse response.
Grace Community Church Rejected Elder’s Calls to ‘Do Justice’ in Abuse Case
While a former leader hopes for change, women who sought refuge in biblical counseling at John MacArthur’s church say they feared discipline for seeking safety from their abusive marriages.
Report: Jean Vanier’s L’Arche Hid ‘Mystical-Sexual’ Sect for Decades
An independent commission concluded that dozens of women were violated by Vanier and his mentor under exploitative spiritual disciplines.
Congress Remains Far More Christian than the Country
Denominational identity is dropping among lawmakers, but few are “nones.”
Kanakuk Sued for Alleged Fraud in Abuse Settlement
Survivor claims the camp misled his family by withholding prior knowledge of his predator’s pattern of misconduct.
The Push for Women’s Rights in Iran Is a Push for Religious Freedom Too
Christian advocate: The uprising in Tehran coincides with the rising disillusionment with Islam and the growth of the underground church.
Myanmar’s Christians Fight for Peace
A former beauty queen is a part of the widespread resistance taking a stand against the brutal military regime.
Southwestern Seminary President Resigns
The successor to Paige Patterson cites “reputational, legal, and financial realities” as he moves on to an IMB role.
ERLC Names New President
Brent Leatherwood stays on to lead the Southern Baptist entity after the “Dobbs” ruling and a major denominational abuse report.
Justice Department Investigates Southern Baptist Convention Over Abuse
SBC has commited to cooperating with the federal investigation, which spans multiple entities.
Anglicans Drop Proposal to Reaffirm Traditional Marriage Stance
Organizers of the Lambeth Conference revised a draft statement calling same-sex marriage “not permissible” after pushback.
‘Domestic Abuse Was Worse than Death Row’
Naghmeh Panahi and Mariam Ibraheem came together when the leaders that fought for escape from persecution failed to help them escape from domestic violence.
Court Dismisses Suit Against Platt’s McLean Bible Church
While the DC-area congregation celebrates getting to move forward, critics continue to accuse leadership of a liberal takeover.
Report Backs Abuse Allegations Against Chris Rice
The singer allegedly groomed students at a Kentucky church through back rubs and unaccompanied sleepovers, according to an investigation by GRACE.
‘Canceled’ John Crist Has a New Book, Tour, and Comedy Special
The Christian comic brings his downfall into his new releases, while victims say they’re still waiting for repentance.
After Annual Meeting, Southern Baptists Begin the Hard Work of Abuse Reform
Survivors sensed a godly shift as messengers approved plans and their new president put sexual predators “on notice.”