How to Kiss a Frog

How To Kiss A Frog

Ask Me to Dance, by Bruce Larson (Word, 1972, 126 pp., $3.95), is reviewed by William F. Luck, graduate student, McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illinois.

Anyone who comes away from this book without warts on his lips may count himself fortunate. For, as Larson himself has said, “a good title for this book would be ‘How to Kiss a Frog.’ ” But this is no mere manual on “frog-kissing.” No, the book itself is “froglike.” It spends more than half its life under existentialist water. And when it comes to ethics, the frog never surfaces. The evangelical who wants to draw out the “enchanted prince” from this book must be prepared to kiss his way through a myriad of warts. For example:

The scriptural wart. Dance continues the seeming “policy” of Larson and others to support their teachings with a minimum of Scripture and a maximum of their own experiences and anecdotes of their friends and acquaintances. These are baptized “modern parables” and seem to carry the same weight as Scripture. Larson seldom misuses the Bible because he seldom uses it. “God” and “Christ” can be found in abundance, but serious exegesis is almost totally absent. When the Bible is used, it is often eisegeted. Dance seems to be based upon an eisegesis of John 11:44.

At one point Larson sees Paul as an inconsistent writer. When Paul speaks of the submission of women, we are reminded that he wrote (as did all writers of Scripture) in an age when people tried to placate God by sacrificing animals. When Paul speaks of male/female equality, we are told that Paul is an inspired prophet (who probably didn’t realize what he was saying!).

Jesus, we are urged to believe, only affirmed and loved people. It was his cousin, John, who condemned people and stressed their sin. Larson concludes that we are to follow the “Jesus style.” Later on, this principle becomes concrete in the case of known homosexuals. Objections are sure to be raised when Larson further explicates this “Jesus style” to mean we should not attempt to change people (homosexuals) but rather accept them as they are.

The psychology wart. Dance furthers the Larson practice of “pop-think” psychology. We are told that the body is a “spiritual barometer.” Colds, obesity, and sore hips reveal spiritual problems. Honesty (confession) with one another is our salvation from guilt. We are assured that it is “impossible” to pry secrets out of one without his implicit permission. Reformed faith is responsible for closing the confessional, which, in turn has caused much mental illness.

The ethical wart. Perhaps most objectionable in Larson’s book is his section on sex. (The book purports to be an explication of the way to achieve “wholeness” in what he calls the six areas of life.) Pornography is desirable reading material for a passive spouse. Adultery is always wrong and against God’s best plan, but is not as serious as some people make it out to be. Premarital sex is wrong because intercourse with several or more people would violate the rights of the persons involved. (Premarital sex with only one or two seems to be a more open question.) Divorce is not God’s best, but perhaps the “way out” for a couple who cannot live together “creatively.”

This book makes it abundantly clear that a closer look needs to be taken at Larson and his Faith at Work. Perhaps there never has been any prince, only a frog.

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An Exodus For the Church, by William F. Keucher (Judson, 126 pp., $2.50 pb). An appeal to reexamine Christian traditions in the light of the Bible in order to offset stagnation. Raises doubts about some “traditions” that should be preserved, however.

A Christian Handbook on Vital Issues, edited by Herman Otten (Leader Publishing Co. [Box 168, New Haven, Mo. 63068], 854 pp., $4.95 pb). The controversial but often embarrassingly accurate editor of Christian News presents in handbook form many of the most noteworthy articles arising from a decade of struggle against theological vagaries in the Missouri Synod and elsewhere.

Kingdom of Darkness, by F. W. Thomas (Logos, 158 pp., $1.95 pb) and Strange Things Are Happening, by Roger Elwood (David C. Cook, 127 pp., $.95 pb). Still more evangelical surveys of occultism.

In the Presence of Mine Enemies, by Howard and Phyllis Rutledge (Revell, 124 pp., $4.95). Commander Howard Rutledge’s seven-year ordeal as a prisoner of war in Hanoi. Relates his spiritual awakening in the midst of extreme physical and mental hardships. His wife briefly tells her struggle during the separation. Dramatic and moving.

The Bible: A Modern Understanding, by J. Lindblom (Fortress, 197 pp., $3.95 pb). An Old Testament scholar at the University of Lund, Sweden, gives an explanation of the canonicity, translations, interpretation, authorship, literary and cultural merit, and religious meaning of the Bible. Accepts modern critical methods; does not specify orthodox beliefs.

Our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount, by Augustine (Fortress, 196 pp., $3.75 pb). One of the earliest works of the great theologian was a series of sermons on the great sermon. This is a contemporary translation (based on a recent critical edition of the text) published under the overly general title The Preaching of Augustine, with a good introduction by Jaroslav Pelikan.

Theology of Evolution, by Ervin Nemesszeghy and John Russell (Fides, 96 pp., $.95 pb). You can believe in certain types of evolution and still believe in God, Creator of the universe. Some thoughts on evolution and its relation to theology, including a chapter on Teilhard. Provocative, well-organized.

When Jerusalem Burned, by Gerard Israel and Jacques Lebar (Morrow, 177 pp., $6.95). A journalistic survey of the era of Roman rule in Palestine. Digested largely from Josephus’s account of the period, it is an engaging reconstruction. The view of Jesus as a frustrated war leader, however, is unacceptable.

The Black Muslims in America, by C. Eric Lincoln (Beacon, 302 pp., $2.95 pb). Revised edition of a classic case study on the history, ideology, and present influence of the Black Muslims. The author is founding president of the Black Academy of Arts and Letters and teaches at Union Seminary (New York). Thorough, well documented, objective, informative.

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