
Newsweek catches up to Left Behind


Plus: New religious violence in Nigeria, congressional Catholics on communion, Gwen Shamblin’s offices raided, and other stories from online sources around the world.

Christianity Today May 1, 2004

Tim and Jerry on the cover of Newsweek What more can be said about the Left Behind series? Not much, though this week’s Newsweekcover story tries to go for one less-played angle by profiling authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins rather than focusing on the popularity of premillennial dispensationalism.

There’s some nice bits in the piece, though LaHaye comes off as a bit caustic while Jenkins is the humble peacemaker. When it comes to salvation and eschatology, writer David Gates understands that they’re talking about the same thing in different ways. But he misses the similarity when they start talking about themselves.

“Those millions that I’m trying to reach take the Bible literally,” LaHaye says. “It’s the theologians that get all fouled up on some of these smug ideas that you’ve got to find some theological reason behind it. It bugs me that intellectuals look down their noses at we ordinary people.”

Ah, a heaping helping of anti-intellectualism, which Gates attributes to a “still-aggrieved sense of social class.”

Jenkins says, “Pedestrian writing, thin characters—I can handle the criticism,” he says. “I write to pedestrians. And I am a pedestrian. I write the best I can. I know I’m never going to be revered as some classic writer. I don’t claim to be C.S. Lewis. The literary-type writers, I admire them. I wish I was smart enough to write a book that’s hard to read, you know?” Gates characterizes this as evidence of Jenkins “chronic modesty,” but misses the jibe. That’s gloating, friend.

Ah, but while the magazine promises to show how the “contrasting sensibilities” of the “most successful literary partnership of all time … suggest the complexities of the entire evangelical movement, often seen as monolithic,” it can’t help but add to those same mistaken stereotypes. Newsweek explains that evangelicals are “Christians who say they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ,” while Fundamentalists are “Christians who believe the Bible is the literal, inerrant word of God.”

In a sidebar, fundamentalists are contrasted with Eastern Orthodox Christians and Lutherans, as Lisa Miller explains that “Christian fundamentalists … are devoted to Revelation, and believe that the events it describes will come to pass—perhaps sooner rather than later.”

There’s a hint that LaHaye is supposed to represent fundamentalists while Jenkins is more of the evangelical fold, but there’s little help for the reader who tries to discern the difference between the two groups, or whether one is a subset of the other.

Likewise, there’s no hint about whether the critical “fellow Christians, who find the books more interested in God’s wrath than God’s love, as well as scripturally questionable” are evangelicals, fundamentalists, or some other breed. Over at GetReligion, Terry Mattingly rightly critiques the article as mischaracterizing the eschatology debate as one between liberals and conservatives. “Even in most Episcopal churches, the congregation still affirms its belief that ‘Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again,'” he writes. “The disagreements center on what the world will look like until then.”

Newsweek repeatedly suggests that Left Behind is popular because of global terrorism and the Iraq war. “That LaHaye and Jenkins’s books are selling so briskly at a time of global chaos suggests that millions are taking refuge in literal renderings of Scripture, seeking a port amid the storm of the present,” writes editor Jon Meacham. Problems like the abuse at Abu Ghraib prison raise “Difficult questions, with … few easy answers. Little wonder, then, that so many people are turning to fiction to alleviate the burden of fact.”

Likewise, writes Gates, “As the world gets increasingly scary, with much of the trouble centered in the Mideast—just where you’d expect from reading the Book of Revelation—even secular Americans sometimes wonder (or at least wonder if they ought to start wondering) whether there might not be something to this End Times stuff.”

One small problem with this theory, though: Left Behind first came out in 1995, and the series was a bestseller long before 9/11.

Miller has a different theory:

John [the Revelator] was a passionate, furious Christian, and he had a very clear message, one that resonates strongly with evangelical Christians today: Do not be seduced by the temptations of secular culture. … Substitute a sex-drenched mainstream popular culture for the emperor, and you can begin to understand why the “Left Behind” books have hit such a nerve with evangelicals. Jenkins, LaHaye and their readers feel driven to defend their values and way of life against the onslaught of secularism, and for them, Revelation describes the battle lines.

But it’s not only pre-millennial dispensationalists who share this concern about the onslaught of secularism. And that’s the real story, says evangelical Anglican theologian Kendall Harmon:

The only way I know to teach about eschatology is to teach what Christians have understood about these things, and then to dialogue with dispensationalism and explain why those who teach it are wrong. I believe dispensationalists deserve our great respect, because at least they are trying to understand these vital subjects, whereas nearly every Episcopal Church ignores them. It is hypocritical in the extreme for mainline churches to sneer at Tim LaHaye and others without explaining why he is wrong (which he is) and what the right theology is in all of this.

In short, Newsweek‘s piece is fine, but it’s just one more pass over overplowed sod (as is a sidebar drawing a spurious line from Left Behind theology to Bush’s foreign policy). The magazine is late to the party, but it’s still better than its odd Christian music piece a few years back. Examining LaHaye and Jenkins as archetypes for various streams in the evangelical movement actually could have been a fresh angle, so long as it didn’t stray into angry fundamentalist vs. friendly evangelical caricatures. Better to focus on LaHaye’s longterm efforts to inform, teach, and disciple the church, how this differs from Jenkins’s frequent efforts to create cultural (and largely evangelistic) artifacts that have mainstream appeal, and what the popularity Left Behind (along with Jabez, Veggie Tales, The Passion, and other recent Christian entries into popular culture) means when these two items meet. Have evangelicals changed their cultural engagement strategy from overt evangelistic appeals to seeing various aspects of theology as “entry points” into the larger Christian story?

The other article that hasn’t yet been done: examining how the dispensationalist theology of the Left Behind books (and of Tim LaHaye specifically) differs from the “progressive dispensationalism” being taught at Dallas Theological Seminary, the cornerstone of such eschatological thought.

There are other stories, too, but time is running out. LaHaye and Jenkins are still writing a prequel and sequel to the core series, but articles on the Left Behind phenomenon are going to seem stale after the 10-year anniversary of the first book’s publication.

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Gay marriage:

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  • Vt. likely to favor civil unions, AG says | Vermont’s attorney general said yesterday that his state will probably consider Massachusetts same-sex marriages the equivalent of civil unions, whose approval in Vermont four years ago created a furor (The Boston Globe)
  • The rite outfits | As same-sex couples who secured waivers of the three-day waiting period got hitched by city clerks and on-call justices of the peace, they wore just about everything from shorts, T-shirts, and baseball caps to vintage dresses and pinstriped suits, with plenty of linen in between (The Boston Globe)
  • Gay marriage solves, creates money issues | While many people focus on the religious, moral, and ethical issues around gay marriage, the financial community are looking at the monetary picture (The Boston Globe)
  • Losing its nonchalance, France feuds over gay vows | The leader of France’s tiny leftist Green Party announced that he would defy tradition by officiating at France’s first gay wedding ceremony (The New York Times)
  • Will ‘I dos’ end the gay-marriage debate? | Based on a look at the past, social historians predict that after initial resistance, same-sex marriages will eventually gain public acceptance (The Christian Science Monitor)
  • Same-sex rites pastors just can’t get arrested | What if you broke the law to make a point and no one arrested you? That’s what happened Tuesday to four pastors who defied Arizona law by marrying same-sex couples over the weekend (The Arizona Republic)
  • Earlier: Ministers vow to fight Arizona ban on same-sex unions (Associated Press)
  • ‘Marriage’ mayhem | It’s all or nothing. Federalism isn’t going to work (Stanley Kurtz, National Review Online)
  • Values devaluation | Now that same sex marriage is on its way to a spurious legality, it is time to ask where does it end? If same sex marriage can be defined by the courts as legal, then why not polygamy, pedophilia, child marriage? (Arnold Beichman, The Washington Times)
  • The right can’t win this fight | With gay marriage on a roll, it’s time to move on to another battle (Max Boot, Los Angeles Times)
  • Slippery slop | The maddening “slippery slope” argument against gay marriage (Dahlia Lithwick, Slate)

Gay marriage in Mass.:

Homosexuality and religion:

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  • Tax rebellion over gay dean | The row over the appointment of gay priest Jeffrey John as Dean of St Albans escalated this week with one church openly rebelling by refusing to pay its diocesan tax (St. Albans Observer, England)
  • Both sides in Presbyterian same-sex marriage dispute disappointed | A Presbyterian Church (USA) minister who resigned in a dispute over same-sex marriages and the church member who sought to rebuke him for performing them said Wednesday they foresee a time of tumult that could split the 2.5 million-member denomination (Associated Press)


  • Adoption bills net praise, protest | Adoption agencies would be allowed to use moral and religious judgments when placing children in homes, under a set of bills proposed by a Lapeer County lawmaker (The Flint Journal, Mi.)
  • Bishop calls for total ban on smacking | A bishop will try in the House of Lords today to outlaw parents smacking children (The Independent, London)
  • Baby boy abandoned at church door | A newborn abandoned on the doorsteps of a church will be placed in state custody after the blond-haired boy is released from a hospital, police said (The Sun Herald, Biloxi, Miss.)




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