New adventures are so exciting. We recently broadcast a children’s ministry workshop on the Church Communication Network (CCN). A few hundred attended this event live in Carlsbad, California, while several thousand watched via satellite. Thank you to all who devoted a portion of your Saturday to build into your ministry. If you missed it, don’t worry. More broadcasts will take place, so stay tuned for details. But this isn’t what I want to tell you about.
The really big deal took place that same weekend, and it was nowhere near as large.
Our church has launched two satellite locations, and one of them is in an area of Chicago called the North Shore. The children’s ministry at Willow Creek North Shore averages 100 kids on weekends, operates on a tiny budget, has three staff, and a small yet very committed core of volunteers who miraculously make ministry happen every Sunday morning. So what happened that was such a big deal?
On the same weekend that our team presented the workshop on CCN, this ministry presented its first salvation weekend—week ten of the Live the Adventure curriculum. Out of the 50 kids in kindergarten through fifth grades, seven children prayed for the first time to start their relationships with Jesus! Imagine the thrill felt by that ministry team. Imagine the excitement experienced in those kids’ families. Imagine the celebration thrown in heaven (Luke 15).
In a world where events usually must be big to receive attention, great things are happening in all sizes throughout the Kingdom. And now seven lives have changed that might just change the world. They sure lit up the people at their North Shore church, and their decisions really fueled the Promiseland team. I hope your ministry year has been punctuated with the stories of people big and small whose lives are on a different path because of Jesus.
Because new adventures are so exciting!
Copyright © 2005 Promiseland.