Every church is different. You may need to adapt the curriculum materials to the space you have available.
If you have a lot of space, your problems are minimal. But, keep the following in mind if your program is spread out:
- How will the value of safety be enforced? As children travel from location to location, will you know where they are at all times? How will travel time take away from program time? How much more decorating and signage will you need? How many extra volunteers will be required to oversee the travel safety of children?
If you have very little space available, you can do a lot with just a little creativity:
- If you only have one large room to work with, that’s all you need! Spread your Activity Stations out around the outskirts of the room (or at one side of the room). Set up your Large Group presentation at one end of the room and, if necessary, push Activity Stations back out of the way as children gather together to hear the teaching presentation. Then spread back out again for Team Time.
- You can also make use of one large room by having the Large Group Program at one end of the room and then having the children turn around and face the other end of the room for their Team Time activities.
- If you don’t have a large room available, you have a couple of options. Set up your Large Group Program in one room and your Activity Stations in other small rooms. Make sure each room is easy to find and properly labeled with what activity can be found where. Also make sure there are adequate volunteers in each of the rooms. Use some of these same rooms for Team Time activities.
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