“Micah 7:8-9 is a picture of what you say to your enemy when he scoffs at your defeat. I call this practice ‘gutsy guilt.’ The believer admits that he has done wrong and that God is dealing roughly with him. But even in a condition of darkness and discipline, he will not surrender his hold on the truth that God is on his side. Pay close attention to these amazing words. Use them whenever Satan tempts you to throw away your life on trifles because that’s all you’re good for.
Micah 7:8-9 is what victory looks like the morning after failure. Learn to take your theology and speak like this to the Devil or anyone else who tells you that Christ is not capable of using you mightily for his global cause.”
–John Piper, from his article, “Gutsy Guilt,” in the October 2007 edition of Christianity Today. To read the entire article, click here.
What tools have you found useful to maintain your sexual integrity?