Last year, I was at the Leadership Summit Debrief in Chicago. It’s a gathering of all the lead pastors from different churches that serve as satellite sites for the Leadership Summit. This group gathers to review the Summit and be mentored by Bill Hybels and other key leaders that they bring in.
One of the leaders that they brought in this year was Rich DeVos. DeVos is a billionaire (listed as the 73rd wealthiest person in the United States and the 248th wealthiest person in the world), founder of the Amway Corporation, owner of the Orlando Magic, and Christ Follower. We had about 90 minutes to do questions and answers with this remarkable leader and here are a few of the highlights:
Why did you decide to trust Bill and invest so much in the Willow Creek Association?
First of all, I believe success attracts success. I first met Bill through his father and I saw his ministry continue to grow and grow. I was always fascinated with church builders – people could grow a church that would reach people. Bill was a success and I wanted to be a part of helping him. Secondly, I’m a cheerleader. I believe the most important words you can say to a person are “You can do it!” It’s awfully simple, but I just want to tell people they can accomplish their dreams.
You did an interview for the Leadership Summit a few years ago and when asked about getting money from wealthy people you told pastors to “hit ’em up.” How?
First, introduce yourself and help them get to know you. Be straightforward in your presentation and tell them what you need and what it will accomplish. They will like to see something started and finished. Don’t just tell them it is for the budget. Tell them what you need and what it will accomplish. Be specific.
When you have to fire someone, what is the best way to do that?
I always want to be able to say, “I’ve been talking to you about this for 6 months?”
It should not be a surprise.
You are writing a new book titled Powerful Phrases of Positive People. What are some of those phrases?
Here are some:
• I’m wrong,
• I’m sorry.
• I trust you.
• I’m proud of you.
• I luv ya!