The winter issue of Leadership is still a few weeks away from your mailbox, but the editors have already started working on the spring issue. They’re still refining the topic, but it will be something about ministry in a culture of brokenness and addiction.
In a few weeks Skye Jethani and Brandon O’Brien will be traveling to Las Vegas to interview Pastor Craig Gross, founder of – “the #1 Christian porn site on the Internet.” Craig has been on a mission to help the church talk more openly about the epidemic of pornography and provide support for those seeking to escape its grip. He’s also recently relocated to Las Vegas to start a new ministry called The Strip Church.
Here’s a video of Craig Gross being interviewed about his ministry to porn addicts and producers.
Jethani and O’Brien will be talking with Gross about how ministry needs to adapt to a culture where vices are becoming more prevalent and more acceptable. They may also connect with other pastors in Sin City to hear how churches are wading into these cultural currents. They’d like to know what questions you have for Craig Gross, and what the editors of LJ should ask churches on the front lines of the vice wars.