How can pastors make theology interesting to people who aren’t often exposed to theological thinking? How do you decide what doctrines to teach?
Theology does not belong to the ivory tower but to every blood-bought Christian. To know and study God is a right of the new birth, and an ongoing joy for those who love the Savior. When theology is studied properly, it draws us nearer to the Savior in love, joy, and awe. What pastor wouldn’t want his people to experience that?
Making theology interesting is really the main teaching task of the pastor. A few strategies to consider:
- Help people see how understanding a big truth about God makes him more interesting and desirable. There’s nothing worse than a tired theology lecture masquerading as a sermon or a weak-kneed “defense” of God that avoids the big truth of the Bible. Preach and teach in such a way that the hearts of the people are stirred for God and their perspectives on even the most common situations are changed. Bring the truth, and bring it home.
- Give away sound, readable theological books. I picked up this habit from a pastor friend who gives away good books on Wednesday and Sunday nights. It’s a great way to introduce people to God’s truth—plus excite them with something free! Over time, the reading habits of your people are shaped and deepened. Start with solid yet accessible, shorter books like J.I. Packer’s Knowing God or Wayne Grudem’s Christian Belief: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know.
- Meet regularly with people who appear to be leadership material and anyone else willing to grow and learn. This could be in small groups or one-on-one over lunch or coffee. Part of what will make theology interesting is the pastor’s willingness to invest directly in a person’s life. When your leaders rejoice in theology, the entire church will rejoice!
- In a sermon series or during weeknight Bible study, answer “What’s the difference between Christianity and ___?” or “What does the Bible teach about ____?” Even if they aren’t readers, Christians live with these questions. Use their natural interest to introduce them to good theology. The curious and the skeptical will likely show up!
- When planning a preaching series, try to identify from the biblical passage of choice a doctrinal truth about God and a truth about humanity for each sermon. Along with the text, those themes then guide the bulk of what we do and focus on in the service.