In researching effective older adult ministries, I have found four ingredients that are usually common in such programs: 1) Service, 2) Outreach /Assimilation, 3) Christian Formation, and 4) Fellowship.
Below is a self-scoring inventory that will help you evaluate your senior adult ministry in each of these four areas. These items can also provide you with a “road map” to plan more effective ministry in the coming year. As you move the items below from the “No” column to the “Yes” column, you will experience marked growth and morale. Here are the instructions:
- Check either Yes or No after each of the following statements, based on the most accurate assessment of your present senior adult ministry.
- When you are finished, total the Yes items checked in each of the four areas. On the “Scoring Guide” at the end, circle the number on each continuum that represents the appropriate number of Yes items checked.
Service (giving time and energy to Christ through giving time and energy to benefit others)
- There is an ongoing effort to identify and provide meaningful roles and tasks to our older adult members. Yes/No
- We provide training for our senior adult members prior to a role or task, which they assume. Yes/No
- Our older adult group helps members identify and use their spiritual gifts in ministry. Yes/No
- We provide appropriate and meaningful service opportunities for our homebound members. Yes/No
- Our older adult group has a method of identifying individuals/families who are in need in the church or community and providing appropriate assistance. Yes/No
- At least twice a year our older adult group sponsors a service project in which a large number of older adults participate. Yes/No
Outreach & Assimilation (reaching out to, and involving people as active members in the church and senior adult group)
- At least once each quarter we have an event specifically planned and promoted to reach out to unchurched older adults in our community. Yes/No
- We have had an evangelism training course specifically for our group during the past year. Yes/No
- Specific prayer for unchurched friends, neighbors, and relatives is part of our regular meetings. Yes/No
- Our group has a purpose statement that includes outreach to unchurched older adults. Yes/No
- We have an active and effective procedure for identifying prospective new members of our group. Yes/No
- There is a person(s) specifically responsible for greeting visitors and newcomers, introducing them to others, and making them feel welcome at all older adult group functions. Yes/No
- Our group has a method for obtaining the names of older adult church members and contacting them about our programs. Yes/No
- Our group sets yearly membership/attendance goals. Yes/No
- We have started at least one new group for older based on age, interest, or lifestyle in the past two years. Yes/No
Christian Formation (enabling men and women to grow toward Christlikeness)
- We have at least a monthly Bible study for senior adults other than in the Sunday school context. Yes/No
- Our group plans specific learning experiences to help members develop “Christlikeness.” Yes/No
- Every older adult group activity has an element designed to help members grow in their Christian life. Yes/No
- Our members are learning about prayer and are encouraged to grow in their personal and group prayer life. Yes/No
- We have a plan where each group member is specifically prayed for at least monthly. Yes/No
- Members of our older adult group are encouraged to attend our church’s worship service. Yes/No
- Our church provides resources (print, audio, video) related to spiritual growth, which our group members know about and use. Yes/No
- We sponsor at least one missions experience each year for our members. Yes/No
Fellowship (establishing close friendships and relationships among older adult group members)
- We have at least one quarterly outing for members and friends. Yes/No
- We have an intentional strategy to help members build stronger relationships with each other. Yes/No
- At least once a month every member of the older adult group receives a contact from the church or group. Yes/No
- We have a way to identify members with special needs and a way for members to respond and get involved. Yes/No
- Our members frequently get together informally outside the regular meetings. Yes/No
- Our group keeps records to recognize and celebrate special occasions in members’ lives (i.e., birthdays, anniversaries, retirement, new grandchildren, honors, etc.). Yes/No
- We have a method/program designed to build and strengthen intergenerational relationships within our church membership. Yes/No
Older Adult Effectiveness Scale
Scoring Guide
How effective is your present older adult group/program? Circle the number of statements in the Yes column for each of the four “ministry areas.” If the number you circled is on the right side of any of these four scales, determine to move the No items to Yes in the coming year. The result will be an increased level of enthusiasm among members and a significant increase in the number of formerly unchurched senior adults you are reaching for Christ and the church.
6 :Very Effective 5 4 3 2 1 :Ineffective
Outreach & Assimilation
9 :Very Effective 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 :Ineffective
Christian Formation
8 :Very Effective 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 :Ineffective
7 :Very Effective 6 5 4 3 2 1 :Ineffective